2013_02_20_FECLE_“La predicación de Benedicto XVI es intelectualmente profunda y pone de manifiesto la trascendencia existencial del mensaje cristiano”
"Benedict XVI's preaching highlights the existential transcendence of the Christian message."
The President of the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross (Rome) reminded the University of Navarra that the Pope has insisted that faith "dialogues with reason".
Msgr. Luis Romera, President of the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross (Rome), affirmed at the University of Navarra that one of the great points of the Pontificate of Benedict XVI has been preaching. "With it he addresses himself especially to the intelligence of the people. In this sense, it is a preaching of great clarity. Precisely because of its intellectual depth, it brings out the existential transcendence of the Christian message," he stressed.
In relation to this, he pointed out that one of the great contributions of this Pope to the Church lies in "making it clear that what is central to the Christian life is to live from faith. But a faith that dialogues with reason, that is capable of opening itself to it because it does not come from another sphere. Faith surpasses reason - he speaks to us of a God who transcends us - but at the same time it dialogues with it and knows how to orient the human being both intellectually and existentially".
Universities and the progress of humanity.
Msgr. Romera also emphasized the university spirit of Benedict XVI and his link with the campus. "The Holy Father has reminded the university that, although it is an institution in which specialization is so important, it cannot forget that in it great ideas are generated and the progress of humanity is fostered."
As he explained, "this implies an ethical commitment: neither research nor teaching can forget their human dimension. On the other hand, he stressed that in this area, the human being is confronted with the great questions of the world and of existence," he said.
Romera made these statements at the framework of the workshop 'Faith in the University', organized on the occasion of the Year of Faith by the group of research 'Science, Reason and Faith' and by the high school of Anthropology and Ethics of the Pamplona campus . Leonardo Rodríguez Duplá, professor of Philosophy of the Complutense University of Madrid; and Ignacio López Goñi, Dean of the School of Sciences of the University of Navarra also intervened.