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Two GRISO conferences bring together at the University fifty researchers

These are the International congress "Cervantes and the mockery in the Golden Age" and the VIII International congress "Young Researchers Golden Age" (JISO 2018).

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Participants at the congresses organized by GRISO PHOTO: Manuel Castells
21/12/18 13:34 Maria M. Orbegozo

On December 17 and 18 were held at the University of Navarra the Internationalcongress "Cervantes and the mockery in the Golden Age" and the VIII International congress "Young Researchers Golden Age" (JISO 2018), organized by the group of research Golden Age (GRISO). Coordinated by Carlos Mata, in the opening ceremony of both meetings intervened Carolina Montoro, vice dean of research of the School of Philosophy and Letters.

The congress cervantino is part of the activities of the project "Identidades y alteridades. La burla como diversión y arma social en la literatura y cultura del Siglo de Oro" (FFI2017-82532-P), of the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities of the Government of Spain-State Agency of research (MICIIN/AEI/FEDER, EU), whose main researcher is Ignacio Arellano, director of the GRISO. Eleven researchers from Brazil, Colombia, Spain, France and Peru took part, including University professors Ignacio Arellano ("Los peligros de la burla. Algunas calas en la literatura del Siglo de Oro"), Carlos Mata ("A purpose de la poesía burlesca de Cervantes: algo más sobre el soneto al túmulo del rey Felipe II en Sevilla"), Blanca Oteiza ("Burla y hagiografía") and PhD student Sara Santa ("Burlas poéticas en el Quijote"). The sessions were completed with a round table of presentation of publications and Cervantine projects.

For its part, the program of the congress JISO 2018 included a total of 37 communications, corresponding to 39 young researchers of the Golden Age from Brazil, Spain, United States, France, India, Italy and Romania. The meeting was structured around twelve sessions: "Siglo XVI", "Teatro", "Lope de Vega y la comedia hagiográfica", "Tirso de Molina, Suárez de Figueroa y Quevedo", "Novelas ejemplares", "Góngora y sus comentaristas", "Temas americanos", "Avisos y relaciones de sucesos", "Recepción del Siglo de Oro: XVIII-XIX centuries", "Reception of the Golden Age: 20th century", "Comparative literature: the Spanish Golden Age in China and India" and "De varia lección".

In the framework of the congress were presented the conference proceedings of the meeting of last year: "Docendo discimus". conference proceedings of the VII International congress "Jóvenes Investigadores Siglo de Oro" (JISO 2017), online volume edited by Ignacio Arellano, Carlos Mata and Sara Santa, which is the issue 48 of the BIADIG Collection (Library Services Áurea Digital) of the GRISO.



