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GRISO's BIADIG Collection hosts a book by Armine Manukyan on two works by Alonso Jerónimo de Salas Barbadillo

It is an Open Access publication, available in DADUN, the University's Digital Academic Repository.

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Cover of the book. PHOTO: Courtesy
20/06/19 12:15

The book "Estudio y edición crítica de dos obras de Alonso Jerónimo de Salas Barbadillo: El necio bien afortunado y El sagazaz Estacio, marido examininado", by Armine Manukyan, has just been published online.

Published by the Publications Service of the University, it is issue 43 of the BIADIG Collection (Library Services Áurea Digital) of the group of research Siglo de Oro (GRISO). The work is available in Open Access in the Digital Academic Digital Repository of the University of Navarra (DADUN).

After reviewing the life and production of Alonso Jerónimo de Salas Barbadillo, this volume offers a critical and annotated edition of two texts from his literary corpus: the novel "El necio bien afortunado" and the prose comedy "El sagazaz Estacio, marido examininado". To date, both titles lacked critical and annotated editions in Spanish and needed a update and textual purification.

They are two works that stand out for their high aesthetic value and their satirical-costumbrist character, "true jewels from the sociohistorical and linguistic point of view", as indicated by Professor Carlos Mata, from the GRISO, "because they reflect the courtly customs of the time (17th century), form a unit due to the satirical setting, and also give an overview of the cultural, social, artistic and linguistic panorama of the time. All of this is expressed in a typically baroque language that today needs to be annotated", he explained.

Armine Manukyan, Ph.D. in Philology Hispanic (Literature) from the University of Navarra, is currently a professor at department of Spanish at Yerevan State University (Armenia).



