The School of Education and Psychology signature a project with AHIA S.L. to advance in the assessment of the development socioemocional
The project Human-AI aims to delve into new generation tools that enable the benefit of social-emotional learning (SEL).
24 | 03 | 2023
The business Human Applications with Artificial Intelligence S. L. (AHIA S.L.) and the School of Education and Psychology of the University of Navarra have signed a Transferproject graduate "innovation in the assessment and development socioemotional in the educational sector through third generation tools".
The main objectives of this alliance are to analyze the scientific evidence of the effectiveness of intervention programs designed to improve socioemotional skills. Secondly, to research and develop adapted interventions based on scientific evidence and best practices.
Researchers share the interest and concern of teachers for the Education and the social-emotional development of schoolchildren. Social and emotional learning (SEL) provides benefits for the school climate and for the student, of course, at the level of staff; but its effects also contribute to improve academic performance, in some cases to achieve the completion of their programs of study and, in the long term deadline, to improve their employability and to enhance mental health.
Undoubtedly, it is hoped that the partnership between promoters, teachers and researchers will allow progress to be made in improving educational intervention in this field. The participating schools include: Jesuitinas Pamplona, Hijas de Jesús, Egiluze-Hondarribia Ikastetxea (Guipúzcoa), Hijas de la Cruz Santurtzi (Vizcaya), Egiluze Errenteria Ikastetxea (Guipúzcoa), Centro Integrado de training Profesional del Mar (Gijón), Sagrado Corazón - F.E. Sofía Barat (Pamplona), Irabia-Izaga (Pamplona), high school de Education Especial El Molino (Pamplona), Goierri Eskola, (Guipúzcoa), Santa Luisa de Marillac (Pamplona) and high school San Cernin (Pamplona). These eleven centers participate in this project which is complemented by research in the field of artificial intelligence applied to the Education.
It is estimated that about 1,500 students have participated in the initial convergence tests.
The research in schools will be developed by conducting psychometric tests and tests on students. Once the tests have been completed, the research team will gather scientific evidence of good practices. Through the tool of research prospective Delphi, information will be obtained from experts at subject. After this process, conclusions will be shared through the exchange of experiences and training seminars with the academic staff of the participating schools.