David Isaacs, former professor and Vice President of the University, has passed away.
Promoter of the Institute of Sciences of the academic center Education , he was a pioneer in Spain in the research on the management of educational centers.

23 | 08 | 2024
David Isaacs, former professor of Pedagogy at the University of Navarra, has died in Pamplona. Isaacs was one of the promoters of the Institute of Sciences of the Education (ICE) of the academic center, created in 1965 and germ of the current School of Education and Psychology. A widower, he was the father of seven children.
Born in Southborough - Kent (England) on September 17, 1939, he obtained the degree scroll of Master of Arts by the University of Cambridge (1963) and of Doctor in Sciences of the Education by the University of Navarra (1981). He was a pioneer in Spain in the research on the management of educational centers, and organized activities of training and improvement for managers.
Professor Isaacs joined the Institute of Sciences of the Education (ICE) of the University of Navarra in October 1968, where he first held the position of position director of Programs of the Institute, and later that of Secretary (1969-1975) and director attachment (1975-1994). He was Senior Associate Professor of the ICE since 1975 and professor of Educational Organization and Pedagogy at the School of Philosophy and Letters. In 1985 he was appointed Vice President of International Relations, a position he held until 1991, and in 1992, University Librarian of the University until 1996.
Director thesis of 11 doctoral dissertations and consultant in educational centers in more than thirty European, African and American countries, he has written numerous books on Education, including The Education of human virtues, a text that has been reprinted 13 times, and to which a series of videos have been added.
He is also the author of works such as La dirección y organización de los centros educativos ( 1970), Cómo mejorar la dirección de los centros educativos ( 1974) and Cómo evaluar los centros educativos (1977). On issues affecting the Education in and for the family, he has published Re-union familiar ( 1974), Dynamics of communication in marriage (2nd ed. 1991) and Families against the current (1994).
Strong commitment to the Education
The dean of the School of Education and Psychology, Carolina Ugarte, remembered Professor David Isaacs as a person strongly committed to the Education: "sample of this was his work The Education of human virtues, a reference for educators in the family and school environment, as well as his dedication to the direction of educational centers and the involvement he had in the beginnings of the Institute of Sciences of the Education".
"David Isaacs has left a mark that we are aware of with the passage of time. He was a great teacher who knew how to be, help and retire in the University contributing a lot without making noise," said Professor Aurora Bernal.
For his part, the professor of Philosophy Jaime Nubiola and former University Secretary of the University, who coincided with David Isaacs at Office of the Executive Council, stressed that "he was always an English gentleman, an elegant and distinguished educator" and that "he put great effort in serving the University".