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"We leverage all data for continuous learning and improvement of the airline's passenger experience."

Irish airline Ryanair seeks to position itself as a "green airline".

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31/01/20 09:58

Alejandra Ruíz García, Ryanair's Sales and Marketing Manager for Spain, visited on January 24 the Marketing and Sales Club of the School of Economics. According to Ruíz, Marketing in the Irish airline "is of great importance and contributes to a great extent to remain the airline issue one in Europe".

The stakeholders or interest groups of department Marketing and Sales that prevail in Ryanair are: tourism offices and the Government, the media and the company's competitors. A broad group for which today, the Irish signature , seeks to be a benchmark in sustainability.

Likewise, between the pillars of the company and what it subsequently offers to users, Ruiz stressed that "there must be consistency". Thanks to the fact that Ryanair is a leader in digital platforms, "it takes advantage of all the insights and data for the continuous learning and improvement of the airline's passenger experience".

In addition, by handling information well and continually asking what is important to the customer, "Ryanair continues to grow and has acquired a strong international character," he said.



