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Students from School of Architecture will design the new Tombola for Caritas Pamplona.


31/10/18 18:37 Clara Elorz

The Caritas Tombola, on the occasion of its 75th anniversary in 2020, is going to change its facilities and for this purpose it has requested the partnership of the School of Architecture of the University of Navarra. A challenge that the School has welcomed as an opportunity: "It is areal project , with real implications, that students will see built, outside the theoretical plane," said Miguel Angel Alonso del Val, director of the School, in a press conference with Angel Iriarte, director of Caritas.

According to Alonso del Val, this project is an example of service-learning, one of the challenges set out in Horizon 2020. "In this learning modality the student not only works on the development of their own creative abilities, but these have a real reflection. Moreover, in this case, we are helping the students to understand what Caritas is and to make a design from the knowledge of their reality", he explained. Ángel Iriarte, for his part, said: "We want the 75th anniversary to be an attempt to spread the values of Cáritas to society, so that we all join together in this work, which is to support and help each other".

The 4th year Architecture students are immersed in the first phase of project, a competition of ideas in which the feasibility, representativeness and ability to excite the people of Pamplona with the proposal presented will be assessed. To this end, they will have the support of the professor of Construction, Installations and Structures José Antonio Sacristán and the rest of the professors. In the second phase of project, the students will face the constructivedevelopment of the same.



