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20 | 12 | 2023

The University receives more than 3,000 applications for the 24-25 academic year for the first admissions period

ImagenManuel Castells


20 | 12 | 2023

Reading and writing to promote the coexistence of Maghrebi children in Fitero



20 | 12 | 2023

The School of Philosophy and Letters launches the magazine "IDS. Revista de jóvenes humanistas" (IDS. Journal of young humanists)


19 | 12 | 2023

Juan Carlos Hernández Peña, professor and expert in artificial intelligence regulation: "European Union law is designed to guarantee the fundamental rights of individuals".

ImagenManuel Castells


18 | 12 | 2023

Architect Francisco Mangado, appointed member of the French Academy of Architecture

ImagenManuel Castells


18 | 12 | 2023

65% of women who have their tubal ligation reversed by tubal recanalization become pregnant.

ImagenManuel Castells


18 | 12 | 2023

This was the Alumni Christmas Cup 2023 at ISEM


18 | 12 | 2023

"Sustainability provides an opportunity for the university to reflect on what it teaches."


18 | 12 | 2023

A Christmas in dance: the Museo Universidad de Navarra hosts a special gala by Nexus Company on December 29th.

ImagenNexus Company


15 | 12 | 2023

El Gótico, topic of a new edition of the series that the Fundación Amigos del Museo del Prado organizes in Pamplona, at partnership with the University of Navarra.



