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News. Culture and Art. University of Navarra


Culture and Art



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13 | 05 | 2016

The University and Schneider Electric launch an ideas competition to design what work spaces will look like in the future.

TextoNagore Gil



12 | 05 | 2016

The museum inaugurates a new exhibition of the Barcelona-based group Atelieretaguardia, which will exhibit more than 60 ambrotypes and ferrotypes made in Barcelona and London with historical procedures of the nineteenth and twentieth century.

TextoMaria Zarate

Imagenassociation cultural Atelieretaguardia


05 | 05 | 2016

The University hosts the X International congress on History of Modern Spanish Architecture

TextoNagore Gil

ImagenManuel Castells

03 | 05 | 2016

Izaskun Chinchilla: "You cannot be an architect and not have a thousand doubts".


28 | 04 | 2016

The high school Las Tablas Valverde, winner of the II Ephemeral Architecture Competition

TextoNagore Gil

ImagenPaula Bayo


28 | 04 | 2016

MDGAE students make an international stay at Technische Universität Dresden

TextoNagore Gil


28 | 04 | 2016

Radiators in solidarity with Alzheimer's disease

TextoMaría Pilar Huarte / Miriam Salcedo


22 | 04 | 2016

Clemente Hernández: "The design is the core topic of the fashion business".

TextoNagore Gil

ImagenManuel Castells


19 | 04 | 2016

The museum inaugurates the sample of Pierre Gonnord "De Laboris", with unpublished portraits of the French photographer to be exhibited for the first time.

TextoMaria Zarate

ImagenManuel Castells


13 | 04 | 2016

The museum inaugurates "Camouflages", the most complete exhibition of the artist Joan Fontcuberta

TextoMaria Zarate

ImagenJoan Fontcuberta

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