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News. Health and Science. University of Navarra


 Health and science



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09 | 03 | 2007

A student of Biology of the University of Navarra, in the final phase of a program of the European Space Agency.

TextoMª Pilar Huarte

ImagenManuel Castells

02 | 03 | 2007

Jesús Prieto, Full Professor of the University of Navarra, receives the 2006 Asturian of the Year Award award

TextoMª Pilar Huarte


28 | 02 | 2007

University of Navarra scientists identify a diagnostic marker to prevent heart failure

TextoMª Pilar Huarte

ImagenManuel Castells

22 | 02 | 2007

Researchers at the University of Navarra analyze a new subject of antibodies against cancer.

TextoMª Pilar Huarte

ImagenManuel Castells

14 | 02 | 2007

A thesis of the University of Navarra, awarded by the Real Academia de Doctores

TextoMª Pilar Huarte

ImagenManuel Castells

02 | 02 | 2007

The CIMA and the University of California share a patent to individualize breast cancer therapy.

TextoMª Pilar Huarte

ImagenManuel Castells

26 | 01 | 2007

The President of the Chinese academic center Zhejiang Sci Tech, in the University of Navarra

TextoMª Pilar Huarte

ImagenManuel Castells

22 | 01 | 2007

USA. U.S. publishes a research of the University of Navarra that can improve surgery and liver transplantation

ImagenManuel Castells

19 | 01 | 2007

Two researchers from CIMA of the University of Navarra distribute medicines and school supplies in Gambia.

TextoMª Pilar Huarte


15 | 01 | 2007

The University of Navarra will test vaccines with dendritic cells in patients with melanoma, hepatocarcinoma and renal carcinoma.

TextoMª Pilar Huarte

ImagenManuel Castells

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