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The President of the Chinese academic center Zhejiang Sci Tech, in the University of Navarra

Songliang Qiu met with the five Chinese researchers from research center Applied Medical (CIMA)

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From left to right, CIMA researchers Jie Hu, Aiwen Dong, Fang Lin, Tao Yu and Cheng Qian; President Songliang Qiu, Álvaro Balibrea and other representatives of the Chinese center. PHOTO: Manuel Castells
26/01/07 12:58 Mª Pilar Huarte

Songliang Qiu, President and professor at the Chinese Zhejiang Sci Tech University, visited the University of Navarra and its research center Applied Medicine (CIMA), where he met with Chinese researchers Jie Hu, Aiwen Dong, Fang Lin, Tao Yu and Cheng Qian.

The professor, along with six other authorities from the Asian campus , met with the President of the academic center, Angel J. Gómez-Montoro. Also, accompanied by the Vice President of International Office, Jaime Nubiola, he visited the Library Services and the School of Communication.

In addition to confirming the close scientific relationship between the two universities, this visit served to promote new academic exchange agreements for Chinese students to study programs of study of postgraduate program at the University of Navarra.



