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Aplicaciones anidadas

podcasts-¿Dónde encontramos hoy la belleza en el mundo?texto

Where do we find beauty in the world today?

Prof. Ricardo Piñero

In his latest book, "The Adventure of Being Human", Professor Piñero highlights how lucky we are to be human, and encourages us to live our daily lives to the fullest, giving us some keys to enjoy each day and find beauty in the everyday. Despite the status of suffering and worry generated by the current health crisis, it is possible to find Beauty. Although we tend to associate it with art or nature, aesthetics consists of having our sensitivity activated, with hope in Happiness, even in the midst of tragedy. The worst evils of the contemporary world: the lack of Truth, the oblivion of the Good and the distancing from Beauty with capital letters. A conversation about the luck of being people.

This podcast takes a look at the status pandemic from a Christian perspective. The review of the origin of evil, other world misfortunes in history and God's response to the pain, with his Death on the Cross, present some theological considerations on the suffering and pain of innocent people. Likewise, Christian testimonies and other positive social reactions observed during the pandemic will shed light on occasional student to try to face the present as a real opportunity for change, improvement and growth staff.

podcasts-¿Dónde encontramos hoy la belleza en el mundo?-texto2

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Table of contents:

2"00'' - Beauty in everyday life

4'25" - Where do we find Beauty today, amidst the suffering generated by the pandemic.

7'25" - Historical situations comparable to a pandemic.

9'10" - What is and what is not Beauty.

11'35 - Other diseases of the contemporary world.

13'25" - Music, books, artists that an Aesthetics and Arts Theory Full Professor likes.