

Aplicaciones anidadas


Aplicaciones anidadas

podcast-Las pantallas han entrado en nuestras casas-tex

Screens have entered our homes

Prof. Charo Sádaba

Prof. Charo SádabaThe use of devices has increased due to the pandemic. Schools have managed to maintain teaching programs during the confinement thanks to the efforts of teachers and the incorporation of new technologies. Children and adolescents have been able to adapt quickly to the new learning tools. Parents, however, have sometimes been overtaken by the sudden digitalization of homes. Knowing how to adapt to the new status and knowing the risks of technologies will allow them to better guide their children towards the good use of screens. Turning threats into opportunities and establishing synergies between the real world and the virtual world are attitudes to achieve this. The end of the pandemic will mean a reduction of digital consumption in households, but not its disappearance, so mastering technological advances and adapting them to each family status and staff will be an important issue also in the future.

podcast-Las pantallas han entrado en nuestras casas-tex2

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Table of contents:

1'50" - Rapid digitization of the school learning process 

3'45" - General reaction from parents

5'53" - Adaptation of the children 

7'35" - Internet risks for children and adolescents. The four Cs  

9'15" - Screens: from threat to opportunity

11'15" - Synergies between virtual and real world

12'40" - Effects of digitization on families

15'35" - From parental control to Education in values

17'30" - Results of the study on the consumption of technologies in households during the pandemic. 

19'25" - Post-pandemic forecasting of screen usage