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Tecnun's International Office offers the student the possibility of making stays abroad, either to carry out the project end of Master's Degree or to obtain the degree scroll double Master's Degree.

Tecnun has 15 collaboration agreements to carry out the Master's Thesis at International Universities.

enquiry here are the countries and universities where you can take the project Final Master's Degree (PFM) at laboratory at a foreign university or at which universities you can take a double master's degree (MSc).


Tecnun offers its students of the Master's Degree in Biomedical Engineering the possibility of obtaining a double master's degree. 

Students take a Master's Degree at another university associated with Tecnun for one year, including the completion of the project End of Master's Degree. The same PFM is defended and recognized in both programs and with an additional semester extension over the normal duration of the Master's Degree , in addition to the degree scroll of the Master's Degree in Biomedical Engineering at Tecnun, a degree scroll of Master's Degree international at a foreign university associated with Tecnun is obtained.

The university where you can do this pathway "Double Master" is the University of Houston:

  • Master of Science (MS) in Engineering Technology - Computational Health Informatics Track