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Javier Azanza and Silvia Cazalla, from group Triviun, participate in conference on innovation in education at the Universitat Jaume I of Castellón.

FotoCedida/ Amoment of the intervention of professors Silvia Cazalla and Javier Azanza.

Professors Javier Azanza and Silvia Cazalla, members of the group of research TriviUN (Theater, Literature and Visual Culture of the University of Navarra), have participated in the I of . I workshop of innovation in education in Art History: reflections and new experiences in the learning of Art and Heritage.organized by the group of innovation in education ARPA of the Universitat Jaume I of Castellón.

The workshop, held on November 10, brought together professors from the universities of Valladolid, Granada, Jaume I and Navarra, who discussed the concept of innovation in education in Art History from the fields of didactics and active methodologies, conservation and heritage knowledge dissemination , and ICTs and digital Humanities . 

Professors Cazalla and Azanza gave the following lectures: Active learning at classroom (I): The artistic discussion . Un ejemplo de role-playing; and Aprendizaje activo en el classroom (II): El enigma Brown: caricatura, actualidad política y arte del siglo XIX, in which they showed the different methodological proposals carried out in the classroom in the subjects of Renaissance, Baroque and Enlightenment in Europe and Contemporary Art, corresponding to the Degrees of History and Humanities of the School of Philosophy and Letters of the University of Navarra.



