The group of research TriviUN, integrated in a project of Thematic Networks financed by the Ministry of Science and Innovation.

The group of research TriviUN (Theater, Literature and Visual Culture of the University of Navarra) is one of the teams integrated in the project "Ceremony, festivity and collecting in the Hispanic monarchy. From the end of the Middle Ages to the Modern Age (XV-XVIII)", which has received the positiveassessment of the Ministry of Science and Innovation in the call for Networks of research 2022. The project will be in force during 2023 and 2024.
The network Thematic, coordinated by the group IHA (Iconography and Art History) of the Universitat Jaume I of Castellón, is composed of seven groups of research from different Spanish universities that work together around the ceremonial, celebration and collecting in the Spanish monarchy between the fifteenth and eighteenth centuries.
In order to achieve the proposed objectives, the network will hold several annual meetings dedicated to reflect on the methodologies and interrelationships of the topic object of study, as well as to plan joint publications in high impact international journals or publishers.
The first of these meetings will take place at the University of Navarra, from June 14 to 16, 2023, in the framework of the III International congress "Iberoamerica multicultural, tradition and modernity".which supports the network of Researchers on Ibero-American Cultural Heritage and is organized by the group TriviUN.