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Students of the School of Philosophy and Letters hold a meeting in the classroom with female artists of the 19th century.

FotoCedida/Unoof the 35 students of the subject "Arte Contemporaneo" during their intervention.

19 | 10 | 2021

The 35 students of the subject "Contemporary Art", of the School of Philosophy and Letters, have participated in the activity "The other look: the art of the XIX century in core topic feminine".

Under the guidance of Professor Javier Azanza, the different groups have addressed the life and work of 15 artists, sculptors and painters of the nineteenth century, through which they have raised issues related to their family origin and artistic training , the obstacles to perform their professional degree program , their relationship with other artists and with the promoters of their works, their style staff and the vindicating role of their feminine condition in the panorama of the plastic arts.

The artistic tour includes the names of Angelika Kauffmann, Adélaïde Labille-Guiard, Élisabeth Vigée-Lebrun, Marie-Guillemine Benoist, Constance Mayer, Elizabeth Siddal, Camille Claudel, Edmonia Lewis, Rosa Bonheur, Marie Bashkirtseff, Eva Gonzalès, Berthe Morisot, Mary Cassat, Louise Catherine Breslau and Suzanne Valadon.

The subject "Contemporary Art", corresponding to the Degree in History and taught by professors Asunción Domeño and Javier Azanza, is taken by students of the Degrees of History; History and the Diploma in Archaeology; History and Journalism; Humanitiesand International Office and History.



