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Best waste management ideas sought

The University of Navarra participates in the European Week for Waste Prevention with the campaign of the Government of Navarra #prevencionresiduosnavarra.

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20/11/17 15:09 Laura Juampérez

The School of Sciences of the University of Navarra collaborates -together with the Public University of Navarra and the UNED- in the campaign #prevencionresiduosnavarra, promoted by the Government of Navarra, Mancomunidad de la Comarca de Pamplona and management Ambiental de Navarra on the occasion of the European Week for Waste Prevention, which is celebrated from November 18 to 26.

The campaign aims to involve the three universities in Navarra to contribute useful and creative ideas to improve the current management waste management. In the case of the University of Navarra, the campaign aims to encourage its students, professors, researchers and staff administration and services to submit their proposals, which will also have award in the case of the 100 that are chosen. The award consists of a drink and a pintxo for two people in the participating establishments.

"This campaign aims to raise awareness and sensitize the population about the need to reduce, reuse and recycle the waste we generate by involving everyone in the search for new solutions," says Juana Fernández, professor at School of Sciences and manager of group of Environmental Volunteers of the University of Navarra (VOLAMB), who are also involved in this campaign.

The deadline to submit proposals will be from November 18 to 26 and the winning ideas will be announced on December 12 (here you can consult the instructions of the contest).

Also, the campaign will be completed with the placement of information stands on the 5th container and management of waste, to position of the Commonwealth of the Pamplona Region, in the buildings of Sciences (in the morning) and Friends (in the afternoon) of the University of Navarra on November 22.



