available enquiry The first issue of "IDS. Revista de jóvenes humanistas" (IDS. Journal of young humanists)
Of a scientific nature, it aims to be a space to disseminate the production of young graduates and doctoral students of area de Humanities
Since its launch was announced last December, the pace of work of those who have made up the committee of essay and the committee publishing house of "IDS. Revista de jóvenes humanistas" has been frenetic. Dissemination of project, training in the tasks of management, receipt of proposals, review of papers... Today, finally, the first issue, which can be consulted in this link, has seen the light. "Thanks to the students involved, to the work of the members of the Councils and to the support of different University Services, the first volume has been published on time", explains Jesús María Usunáriz, Full Professor of Modern History and one of the promoters of the journal, together with professors Carlos Mata and Francisco Javier Caspistegui.
"IDS. Revista de jóvenes humanistas" is part of a project of innovation in education -coordinated by these three professors-, which aims to be a forum to disseminate the scientific production of young graduates and doctoral students, "and thus promote the first steps of an academic and researcher degree program ", says Professor Mata. Likewise, he points out, "it aims to be a tool of training for students of Degree, Master's Degree and doctorate for the management of scientific journals". Professor Caspistegui explains that "the students who have participated have been trained in different seminars organized within the scope of project to learn about aspects such as the organization and planning of a scientific journal, layout, the use of management tools such as OJS, etc.". For this work, they have had the support of some members of the University's Publications Service , of the bibliometrics Service of the Library Services and of professors with a long trajectory in the management and academic publication.
This first volume has two sections. The "Articles" section contains the contributions of three authors from Navarre, Alicante and Santiago de Chile who deal with topics such as the vicereine consorts in the kingdom of Navarre in the 18th century; the role of translation in the financial field; or the use of ChatGPT in the essay of lawsuits. The "Documents" section offers the transcription, annotation and study of three texts dealing with the execution of Mary Stuart (1587); alchemy in the Spain of Philip II (1593); and the earthquake that affected the city of Santiago de Guatemala in 1717.
The journal, which aspires to become "a publication of reference letter for young researchers in the field of Humanities worldwide", is managed by students from Degree and doctorate, under the supervision of professors from School of Philosophy and Letters, and open to partnership of students and teachers at national and international level. As Professor Usunáriz recalls, "the journal has the characteristics of any other academic publication. To guarantee the quality of the content, the articles submitted must be reviewed, not only by the members of the Councils, but also by external experts, through the system of peer review (double-blind peer review)".
The second volume is planned for 2025. Those interested in publishing can send their proposals through this page. The organizers would also appreciate it if this information could be sent to all those young people who might be interested.