The group of research TriviUN organizes the VI International Symposium at the Casa de Velázquez in Madrid.

FotoCedida/Closing ofthe Symposium and the project Panhispania festiva. From left to right, Javier Azanza (U. of Navarra), Miguel Zugasti (U. of Navarra), Luis González (Casa de Velázquez) and Silvia Cazalla (U. of Granada).
On December 3 and 4, the Casa de Velázquez in Madrid hosted the VI International Symposium of TriviUNorganized by the group of research TriviUN. Teatro, Literatura y Cultura Visual, of the School of Philosophy and Letters of the University of Navarra.
Under the degree scroll Panhispania Festiva (III). Fiesta, visual rhetoric and political propaganda, and coordinated by professors José Javier Azanza and Silvia Cazalla, the VI International Symposium was an interdisciplinary meeting which addressed the components of the party and its message to society in political core topic from the various Structures of power, in areas such as history, art history, music, literature, theater and dance. Fourteen speakers from the Universities of Extremadura, Granada, Jaume I de Castellón, Málaga, Navarra, Santiago de Compostela, Sorbonne Université-Paris IV/Institut universitaire de France, University of Lodz in Poland and Valencia contributed to the event.
The closing of the Symposium was also the closing of Panhispania festiva, project structural of the Casa de Velázquez co-directed by Dr. Miguel Zugasti (University of Navarra) and Dr. Florence d'Artois (Sorbonne Université-Paris IV), developed between 2022 and 2024 with a result of three international symposia and a workshop with students and researchers.