Passions in art, topic of the IX lecture series of the Fundación Amigos del Museo del Prado at the University of Navarra
Organized in partnership with the School of Philosophy and Letters, it will be held on Wednesdays, from January 15 to February 5.

The Prado Museum returns to Pamplona once again this year thanks to the Friends of the Prado Museum Foundation and the School of Philosophy and Letters of the University of Navarra. Sponsored by Viscofan and with the partnership of the Museo Universidad de Navarra and the Fundación Diario de Navarra, the main theme of the IX edition of lecture series Francisco Calvo Serraller will be "Between love and death. Passions in art".
Four specialists will address the way in which fundamental questions of existence such as love, death, joy, or desire have been represented in painting, sculpture, architecture or music. The sessions will take place on Wednesdays January 15, 22 and 29 and February 5, at 7:00 p.m., in the theater of the University of Navarra Museum.
The historian Alberto Pancorbo, director of this edition and manager of the academic line and department of Activities of the Fundación Amigos del Museo del Prado, will be in charge of giving the first session, which will be entitled degree scroll "Art and the movements of the soul". Marta Poza, professor of Art History at the Complutense University of Madrid, will address in the second session lecture the topic of life and death in medieval art.
The third session will be held at position by David García Cueto, Head of department of Italian and French Painting until 1800 at the Prado Museum, who will talk about desire in the painting of the seventeenth century. The cycle will end with a discussion paper of Noelia García Pérez, Professor of Art History at the University of Murcia, which will focus on the look of love in artistic creation.
The price of the complete cycle is 60 euros. The following groups have a special price of 48 euros, previous accreditation and withdrawal of tickets in the locker of the Museum University of Navarre: professors and students of the University of Navarre; Friends of the Museum University of Navarre and Friends of the Prado Museum; Alumni University of Navarre; teachers of Secondary School and high school diplomauniversity students from other centers (UNED, UPNA and other universities); and seniors over 65 years of age. You can also visit attend for single sessions for a price of 20 euros.
More information and ticket sales