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28 | 09 | 2022

Science Museum volunteers give the green light to the start of the new academic year


28 | 09 | 2022

The Cima and the Science Museum of the University of Navarra will celebrate this Friday the European Researchers' Night 2022.



27 | 09 | 2022

"The protection of religious freedom guarantees the protection of other human rights, such as freedom of expression or freedom of association"

ImagenManuel Castells


27 | 09 | 2022

Two students of the Master's Degree in programs of study of Curatorship of the MUN will curate the exhibition 'Function and Fiction' in Cuatrecasas, with pieces from the Bergé Collection.

ImagenClara Di Carlo - Cuatrecasas


27 | 09 | 2022

The Science Museum of the University of Navarra organizes the series "October with Cajal" to disseminate the figure of the Spanish Nobel Prize winner.


26 | 09 | 2022

100% of internships for students in the programs Master's Degree are remunerated


26 | 09 | 2022

ICS launches the Civic Humanism Center for programs of study on the character and ethics of professions

ImagenManuel Castells


26 | 09 | 2022

20 students begin the Master's Degree University Program in Governance and Organizational Culture

ImagenManuel Castells


23 | 09 | 2022

A researcher of CIMA and three alumni of the University, among the guests at an event of the AECC, chaired by Queen Letizia.



23 | 09 | 2022

About a hundred scientists, professors from high school and students from high school diploma participate in a forum on Catholic Scientists held at the ICS

ImagenManuel Castells



