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19 | 09 | 2022

The MUN inaugurates the exhibition '39 décimos', in which the fourth décimo, a set of pieces made for the MUN, will be shown for the first time at sample .

ImagenManuel Castells


19 | 09 | 2022

Tecnun starts the academic year master's degree program with more than 400 students


19 | 09 | 2022

University celebrates Sports Day with the participation of more than half a thousand people


19 | 09 | 2022

The University creates the Chair Campus Home of Sustainability for the research and social awareness in the care of the environment.

ImagenManuel Castells


16 | 09 | 2022

Cardinal Omella calls for greater state support for the family

ImagenManuel Castells


16 | 09 | 2022

Tecnun's Activities Fair: a showcase of university life


16 | 09 | 2022

"We are in the third great transformation of humanity after the Agricultural Revolution of the Neolithic and the Industrial Revolution of the 19th century."

ImagenManuel Castells


16 | 09 | 2022

Josu Jon Imaz: "Investors in renewable energies require legal certainty".



16 | 09 | 2022

The Institute for Culture and Society constitutes a new group of research called 'Links, creativity and culture'.

ImagenNatalia Rouzaut


16 | 09 | 2022

The Alumni-University of Navarra Alumni Association in Lleida is born




