
Parish Church of Lesaka



The interior space of this church has cathedral dimensions. It is illuminated by a large semicircular window that opens in each bay on the Epistle side, another window that opens in the opposite wall of Wayside Cross and in the oculus of the choir. In this parish the space corresponding to its nave was enlarged in the Baroque period. And it is one of those that in its interior keeps a great uniformity, since the baroque factory imitates the architecture of the period in which the rest of the temple was made, it uses the starred vaults of the same design for the baroque nave, the Wayside Cross and the chancel. It houses the altarpieces of Santa Catalina, of the Virgen del Rosario, of the Soledad (both work of Tomás de Jáuregui) and that of the Crucified (identical in its design to its collateral, that of Santa Catalina, both attributed to José Muguiro).




AZANZA LÓPEZ, JOSE JAVIER (1998) Arquitectura religiosa del barroco en Navarra, Pamplona, Gobierno de Navarra. department de Education y Cultura.

GARCÍA GAENZA, MARIA CONCEPCIÓN et alii(1996) Catalog Monumental. Volume V, 2 Merindad de Pamplona, Imoz-Zugarramurdi, Pamplona, Príncipe de Viana .

FERNÁNDEZ GRACIA, RICARDO (2003) El retablo barroco en Navarra, Pamplona, Gobierno de Navarra, department de Education y Cultura.
