Where it all begins
Where everything
When does human life begin?
Recent legislative changes have once again raised fundamental questions about human life that science has answers to.
The training of a human being occurs during the first eight weeks of life, which begins with fertilization and ends when the embryo has reached a complete physiological development .
In this video, professors Mar Cuadrado, Begoña Olartecoechea and Elisa Mengual talk about what the first period of life is like and how decisive it is for the development of the human being.
Director of department of Pathology,
Anatomy and Physiology
"Throughout the embryonic development there is no qualitative leap that marks the beginning of life, the leap is undoubtedly fertilization."
Professor of Gynecology and Obstetrics department
and Obstetrics
"At the first ultrasound scan, at just three weeks old, parents can already hear their baby's heartbeat. It is a unique and unforgettable moment."
Professor of Pathology department ,
Anatomy and Physiology
"In the 3 centimeters that the embryo measures at two months of life, everything is already formed: the digestive tract, how it turns, possible pathologies..."