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04 | 10 | 2022

The comic, topic of a summer course of the universities of Navarre

ImagenConcha M. Pasamar


04 | 10 | 2022

The research center in Nutrition evaluates healthy and sustainable foods from Economics circular

ImagenManuel Castells


04 | 10 | 2022

Institute for Culture and SocietyParticipation in activities at other centers and universities (September 2022)


04 | 10 | 2022

"The MUG allowed me to solidify my knowledge and discover career opportunities in the pharmaceutical industry."



03 | 10 | 2022

Resource planning and online sales, two challenges for students of Degree in management Applied



03 | 10 | 2022

"St. Josemaría wanted the University of Navarra as a place where many young people could be educated and contribute to the progress of society."

ImagenManuel Castells


03 | 10 | 2022

The Journal of Physiology and Biochemistry of the University of Navarra and the publishing house Springer-Nature, in the Q1 of specialized journals in Physiology.

ImagenManuel Castells


03 | 10 | 2022

Nearly 100 people participate in the activities of the European Researchers' Evening


03 | 10 | 2022

"We like to be able to listen to the other students and serve them in the best way possible."



30 | 09 | 2022

Óscar Tineo and Marta Olaizola, new University delegate and subdelegate

ImagenManuel Castells



