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Institute for Culture and SocietyParticipation in activities at other centers and universities (September 2022)

ICS researchers and internal collaborators participated online and in person in activities organized by institutions in Belgium, Brazil, Chile, China, the Czech Republic, Finland, Germany, Italy, Lithuania, Romania, Poland, Spain, the United States, and Lithuania.

04 | 10 | 2022

ATLANTES Global Observatory of Palliative Care

Carla Reigada gave the online seminar "Mensagem de cuidados paliativos: que dizem os estudos?" at the 'Program of Master of Science in Nursing/CPTL/UFMS' of the Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul (Campo Grande, Brazil, 2/9/2022).

Eduardo Garralda y Álvaro Montero participated in the 7th Public Health Palliative Care International Conference (PHPCI) 2022, organized by the End-of-Life Research Group of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Ghent University and the EAPC Reference Group on Public Health & Palliative. There they presented the ATLANTES Global Observatory of Palliative Care (Bruges, Belgium, 20-23/9/2022). 


Public discourse

Ruth Breeze participated as speaker on line in the seminar "Representing the people in CSR discourse" at Jilin University (Changchun, China 20/9/2022). 

He also spoke at the 20th International AELFE Conference with the seminar "Researching emotions in the self-presentation of multinational companies in Annual Reports and Corporate Social Responsibility Reports: Corpus Assisted Discourse Analysis supported by lexical and semantic tagging" (Pisa, Italy, 14-15/09/2022).

Eleonora Esposito offered the discussion paper "Cyber Violence against Women in Politics: Challenges, Solutions and Insights "Cyber Violence against Women in Politics: Challenges, Solutions and Insights" within the Sixth International Conference of Applied Linguistics "Languages and People: Problems and Solutions" of the Vilnius University (Vilnius, Lithuania, 29 - 30/9/2022).

Pilar Gerns attended the colloquium "Advancedness in CLIL: Academic Literacies, Assessment and Equity" organized by the group of research UAM-CLIL at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (Madrid, Spain 23/9/2022). 

Dámaso Izquierdo attended the Universidad Carolina as speaker invited with the talk "Presuntamente: ¿evidencial o mediativo? Between the marking of an indirect access to information and the absence of epistemic positioning" at the international congress Morfosintaxis del Español Actual: La Morfosintaxis y la Deixis 2022. The Borders between Grammar and Ontology." ( Prague, Czech Republic, 30/9 -1/10/ 2022).  

He also participated in the international seminar "Cognition and construction of speech: reference letter Cognition, inference and context" organized by the Heidelberg Center for Latin America. There he collaborated in the roundtable "research experimental on mechanisms for the construction of speech" and gave the talk "The limits of encapsulation". (Santiago de Chile, Chile 8-9/9/2022).

Rafael Escobedo attended the Autonomous University of Barcelona to speak on "Spain and Catholic Public Opinion in the United States during World War II (1939-1946)" at the International congress "The War after the War: Spain, 1939-1949" (Barcelona, Spain 8-9/9/2022).


Education of Affectivity and Human Sexuality

Carolina Lupo has collaborated online with the Francisco de Vitoria University in the "III congress of Catholic educators: The Education of the heart" with the lecture "The challenge of educating pornified hearts" (Madrid, Spain, 22/9 -2/10/2022).

Martiño Rodríguez participated in a scientific meeting organized by the Society for Psychotherapy Research. The event was attended by the European Chapter of the Society for Psychotherapy Research (Rome, Italy 23-25/9/2022). 

He also attended the congress on physiology and fertility, promoted by the association Beitu, with the talk "Marriage crises" (Bilbao, Spain 30/9/2022).

group Mind-brain

Javier Bernácer y José Manuel Muñoz participated in the International congress Criminal Law and human behavior: challenges from neuroscience and artificial intelligence, organized by the University of Castilla la Mancha. On the one hand, Muñoz participated in the inaugural table and moderated the roundtable "Neuroderechos humanos. Concept, foundation and scope". On the other hand, Bernácer intervened in the second roundtable with the communication 'Neuroscience and rights' (Toledo, Spain 21-23/9/2022). 

Muñoz also gave the panel "Considerations of neurolaw and artificial intelligence: are they considered in the new law and guarantees for children? Chilean perspective" within the roundtable "Why is AI relevant to neurorights?" organized by the National Bioethics Commission of Mexico (CONBIOETICA) (Mexico City, Mexico 29-30/9/2022). 

Navarra Center for International Development

Michelangelo Borella participated as speaker in the XXXVI conference of Economics Industrial of the Department of Applied Economics of the Faculty of Economics, Business and Tourism of the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (ULPGC). The talk was 'Market competition and the adoption of clean technology: evidence from the cab industry' (Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, 1-2/9/2022).


Links, creativity and culture

Julia Pavón gave the talk "Being a Byzantine Empress: the controversial figures of Theodora and Irene" during the XVIII conference of European Culture (Vitoria, Spain 28/9/2022). 

In addition, he has organized the Camino de Santiago Cycle at partnership with the Associations of Friends of the Camino de Santiago in Navarra. In it he also offered the exhibition: "Las órdenes hospitalarias en el Camino" (Los Arcos, Spain 2/9/2022).

Finally, together with Anna DulskaCarlos Veci has carried out several activities in the framework of the X congress General de Historia de Navarra: Conflictos civiles en la Historia de Navarra: Ecos de 1521-1522, organized by the Sociedad de programs of study Históricos de Navarra. Pavón coordinated the thematic block "The written and visual report " and gave the session Huella memorística de los conflictos de la Orden del Temple en navarra. The case of Ribaforada (1192-1250). Dulska gave the talk "Abanderamiento o banderización de la report: los símbolos históricos e historicistas en los espacios públicos de Navarra". For his part, Veci offered the discussion paper "Education personalized and social concord: the origins of Fomento in Navarra (1964-1975)" and coordinated the roundtable "Concordia en Navarra (1936-1982)", (Pamplona, Spain 9/9/2022).

Inés Olza has come to the University of Bialystok to serve as speaker and evaluator at the 15th Researching and Applying Metaphor Conference: The Social Impact of Metaphor. She has been part of the panel of expert judges for the John Benjamins PhD Presentation Prize and gave the lecture "A qualitative approach to metaphorical construals of the pandemic in songs from 2020" (Bialystok, Poland, 21-24/9/2022).

Ana Marta González has collaborated online in the workshop promoted by the German Research Foundation (DFG): "Rationality as pragmatic worldly prudence: Kant's anthropology and the modern social sciences". (29/9-1/10/2022).

Loris de Nardi has given the invited lecture discussion paper "The reduction of fire risk in the Hispanic world: public policies, normative measures, social disciplining (XIII-XIX centuries)" within the Seminar on Legal History in the Iberian Worlds, organized by the Max Planck Institute for Legal History and Legal Theory (Frankfurt, Germany 20/9/2022).

Javier Yániz has attended as speaker to the conference of the 10 years of programs of study of Malta. "Interaction during conflict: multimodal analysis of disagreement, agreement and mediation" was the degree scroll of his discussion paper. (Murcia, Spain 28-29/9/2022). 

Yaniz gave the discussion paper"I disagree: co-verbal gestures in the manifestation of disagreement" at the XXXVI congress Internacional de la association de Jóvenes Lingüistas de la Universidad de Sevilla (Sevilla, Spain, 21-23/9/2022). 

He also attended the Summer Camp of the Institute on Multimodality: Mind, average and technology where he gave the paper 'Conflict in interaction: multimodal analysis of (dis)agreement and mediation' and the communication 'Conflict and Mediation in Interaction: Preliminary Status of a Thesis Project', poster . (Bielefeld, Germany 28/9-6/10/2022). 

Alberto N. García gave the talk 'Your necessary scumbag cop friends.' Understanding the morally disturbing world of Anti-riot" at the average and Morality Annual Meeting at the University of Michigan (Michigan, USA 16-17/9/2022).

Ana Belén Martínez participated in a congress organized by Orion (Orientation: Towards a Dynamic Understanding of Contemporary Fiction and Culture) at the School of Philology English at the University of Malaga. He attended as speaker to speak on: "New Orientations Towards Migration: Testimonial Entanglements" and "Migration and Orientation" (Malaga, Spain 21-23/9/2022). 



