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22 | 03 | 2023

Tecnun hosts the First workshop Technical Conference on Trochoidal Milling and MDI Immersion Milling Cutters


22 | 03 | 2023

The University of Navarra is ranked 35th in the world in the QS Ranking area for 'Theology and programs of study on Religion'.

ImagenManuel Castells


22 | 03 | 2023

The University of Navarra, among the top 100 universities in the world in six subjects, according to the QS rankings

ImagenManuel Castells


21 | 03 | 2023

"Telling a story": an introductory novel project for students of the School of Philosophy and Letters

ImagenManuel Castells


21 | 03 | 2023

"The work we have chosen from Chismarracos brings you closer to a mixture of very different worlds."


21 | 03 | 2023

Julissa Reynoso, U.S. Ambassador: "Relations between Spain and the United States are not only an essential element of the Euro-Atlantic Alliance, they also contribute to a more hopeful future in the Americas".

ImagenManuel Castells


21 | 03 | 2023

"Christianity has offered Western legal culture a framework that has allowed it to flourish."


21 | 03 | 2023

Heuristic Game: Learning through exploration


20 | 03 | 2023

Pamplona City Council and the University will collaborate to develop projects included in diary Urbana 2030

ImagenManuel Castells


20 | 03 | 2023

Jon López Buñuales (Nuestra Señora del Huerto), Juan José Larrañeta (San Cernin) and Xabier Villanueva (Escolapios Calasanz), winners of the XII Olympiad of Philosophy of Navarra.

ImagenManuel Castells



