In the picture
St. Josemaría, at the University,
in 1967.
degree program "Ever since his years as a student at the University of Saragossa, where he studied law at the same time as he was doing his priestly studies at programs of study , St. Josemaría took a special interest in university life, with an appreciation that he repeatedly manifested throughout his life. This was pointed out by Blessed Alvaro del Portillo, his successor, at the in memoriam ceremony held after the death of the first Chancellor. "I consider myself a university student: and I am passionate about everything that has to do with the university," he himself had said in 1966.
Thus, the idea of founding a university had been on St. Josemaría's mind from very early on, certain of the great influence that the intellectual professions have on society.
José Javier López-Jacoiste, one of the first professors at the School of Law of the Estudio General de Navarra, the seed of what is now the University, was one of the witnesses to the gestation of that dream. On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of that first School, he recalled how, from entrance, the endeavor seemed almost impossible. It was not the first time that, throughout history, the project had been initiated, without success, to build a university in Navarre. But if the experience of history was not enough, it should be added that at that time the creation of universities was skill exclusive to the state power.