Canal interno de información

Internal information channel

In compliance with the provisions of Law 2/2023, of February 20, regulating the protection of persons who report regulatory infractions and the fight against corruption, the University of Navarra has implemented an internal reporting system, which is the preferred channel for individuals to report information obtained in a work or professional context on any of the actions or omissions referred to in article 2 of the Law, mainly criminal offenses, serious or very serious administrative offenses, and infringements of European Union Law.

The confidentiality of the informant's data is guaranteed throughout the process of management of the information. The Act prohibits acts constituting retaliation against persons making a disclosure in good faith, including threats and attempts of retaliation.

To submit these communications, the reporting person has an internal channel that allows communication:

  • Through form web(preferred method)

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Canal interno texto 2

In this form the communication may be submitted anonymously or by identifying oneself. In both cases the informant will receive a name from Username and a password with which he/she will be able to follow the evolution of the process, especially in the case of anonymous communications, in case it is necessary to ask for additional information.

  • By writing to the Compliance Officer of the University of Navarra, Amigos Building, Campus Universitario, 31009 Pamplona (Navarra, Spain) or by e-mail to

  • Requesting an in-person meeting , by telephone or videoconference, by sending a message to

The processing of communications and, where appropriate, of internal investigations, will be carried out by the collegiate body manager of the Internal Information System or by the person or persons designated by this body depending on the characteristics of the case. After a preliminary analysis or triage, in which the existence of indications of a crime or serious non-compliance will be evaluated, the communication will be admitted or not for processing, giving rise in the first case to an internal research . In the event of serious non-compliance, the corresponding governing body will be notified, which in turn will forward the transcript to the Judicial Authority, the Public Prosecutor's Office or the competent authority in the event of an indication of a crime or serious infraction management assistant .


During the processing of transcript the persons affected by the communication shall have the right to the presumption of innocence, the right of defense and the right of access to transcript under the terms regulated by the Law itself, preserving their identity and guaranteeing the confidentiality of the facts and data of procedure.

The Law indicates, in its article 63, that communicating information knowing it to be false shall constitute a very serious infringement.