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Institute for Culture and Society: participation in activities of other centers and universities (January 2019)

Researchers and collaborators participated in activities in Brazil, Chile, France, Italy, Spain, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, the United States and the United Kingdom.

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01/02/19 10:20 Natalia Rouzaut

Emotional culture and identity
Ana Belén MartínezAna Belén Martínez
has begun a six-month research stay at the Centre for Life-Writing Research at King's College London thanks to a financial aid José Castillejo. (04/01-30/06/2019, London, UK).


Creativity and Cultural Heritage
Julia PavónJulia Pavón
presented the lecture 'El privilegio de la Querimònia' during the course 'Aran Me + Fecit' organized by the International Winter University (25/01/2019, Viella).


Public discourse
Manuel CasadoManuel Casado
participated in several activities at the Universidad de la Concepción in Chile. On the one hand, in the X meeting Nacional de programs of study of speech he offered the closing plenary lecture , entitled 'Analysis of speech: conflicting approaches and an integrative proposal '. In addition to participating in the roundtable on 'Discourses and social scenes in conflict' (11/01/2019, Concepcion, Chile)..

On the other hand, he taught the doctoral course 'Cuestiones de gramática y lingüística del speech' at the School de Humanities y Arte (14-18/01/2019, Concepción, Chile).

Inés OlzaInés Olza attended the congress International "EUROPHRAS 2019" (association European Phraseology), held at the University of Santiago de Compostela, where he gave the communication 'Confluence between Phraseology and Grammar of Constructions' with Dr. Iraide Ibarretxe-Antuñano (24-25/01/2019, Santiago de Compostela).

Sofia BrotonsSofía Brotóns conducted a reflexivity workshop on personal narratives with the students of Centro Puente, in Puente La Reina, as part of the research of her doctoral thesis . (17/01/2019, Puente la Reina).


Education of Affectivity and Human Sexuality
Carolina LupoAdrian CanoCarolina Lupo and Adrian Cano
have attended the 'meeting annual training for the COF's - Faith, counseling and therapy: generating a framework to guide our task' organized by the Episcopal Commission for the Secular Apostolate and Episcopal Subcommission for the Family and the Defense of Life. There, they jointly presented the project AMAR and Cano offered the discussion paper 'Family counseling vs. family therapy and psychiatric intervention: Where are the limits? A framework to help COF's discern the levels of intervention'. (19/01/2019, Madrid)

In addition, Carolina Lupo met with the new delegates of Pastoral Familiar de Madrid to present the project AMAR (18/01/2019, Madrid).

group Mind-brain
José Víctor OrónJosé Víctor Orón
offered the training course UpToYou to parents and educators in the parish of St. Anthony of Macaé (07-19/01/2019, Macaé, Brazil).


Javier Sánchez CañizaresJavier Sánchez Cañizares participated in the 'Ciclo Horizontes de Razón Abierta del high school John Henry Newman', organized by the Universidad Francisco de Vitoria, where he presented the lecture 'La singularidad humana desde la Física'. (23/01/2019, Madrid).


Navarra Center for International Development
Joseph GomesJoseph Gomes
has carried out various activities in Spain, the United States and France:

  • Presented the oral communication 'The Reach of Radio: Ending Civil Conflict through Rebel Demobilization' during the ASSA 2019 meeting, organized by the American Economic Associaton (04-06/01/2019, Atlanta, USA).

  • He attended as speaker guest at the École normale supérieure de Lyon where he also gave the seminar 'The Reach of Radio: Ending Civil Conflict through Rebel Demobilization' (15/01/2019, Lyon, France).

  • He also traveled to Barcelona for research meetings at the University of Barcelona and Pompeu Fabra University (19-24/01/2019, Barcelona).

ATLANTES Programme
Carla ReigadaCarla Reigada
conducted a Focus Group to discuss the preliminary results of its ethnographic research with the palliative care group of the Santiago Apostol Hospital of Vitoria (Osakidetza). (18/01/2019, Vitoria).

Eduardo GarraldaEduardo Garralda visited the Vianorte-Laguna Foundation to conduct interviews for project HISPAL (History of Palliative Care) (16/01/2019, Madrid).


Alazne BelarAlazne Belar attended the World Health Organization's seminar 'Palliativecare digital health solution to support caregivers' (18/01/2019, Geneva, Switzerland).


Religion and Civil Society
framework Demichelisframework Demichelis
offered the lecture 'Jihadism au rebours: from anti Hegemonic interpretations to its contrary' during the XIV Sesamo lecture 'Paths of Resistance in the Middle East and North Africa', organized by the Università Degli Studi Di Torino (31/01-02/02/2019, Turin, Italy).

Statistics Unit
Jesús López FidalgoJesús López Fidalgo
participated in the scientific committee of the 4th general meeting of the National Biostatistics network . In addition, he has participated as co-author in the following contributions: "D-Optimal designs for distillation experiments" and "Fitting bioassay data and biokinetic models to estimate the intake of people exposed torandom and irregular intake of radioactive particles". (25-26/01/2019, Santiago de Compostela).



