''Nos interesa que la investigación y el desarrollo académico repercutan en el cuidado del paciente''
''We are interested that the research and the academic development have an impact on patient care.''
So says Mercedes Pérez Díez del Corral, dean of the School of Nursing at the University of Navarra.
- What has motivated the change of name of the School of Nursing, which is now called School de Enfermería?
It is the closure of a process that began in 2009 with the modification of Study program to adapt to Bologna, changing the number of years of degree program from three to four. The change also responds to the fact that, in the Spanish culture, the Schools teach programs of study higher , while the higher schools offer programs of study higher technical . As there could be confusion in the public opinion, we thought it was appropriate to change the name.
- Has the new name had an impact on the issue number of applications from those interested in studying Nursing?
When the new Degree started last year, there was an increase in applications. Currently we have already exceeded the number of applications foreseen for the new course. I think that the increase could not be due to the change of name, since this was very recent.
- What are the major changes that the degree program Nursing has undergone?
On the one hand, there is the academic training , whose development has gone very fast. Those who study nursing can access postgraduate studies and reach the highest academic level in their discipline. At the professional level, changes are always slower and we will have to wait for the recognition of academic merits, nursing specialties and the development of the professional degree program . We still have a long way to go but we are on the right track, which is the important thing.
- Is there much time left to achieve equality between the academic and professional development ?
I don't know. But I sense that it will take some time because the process at internship is always slower. Besides, we are in a very strong economic crisis and we cannot forget that nurses are a very numerous professional group in which an important part of the health expense is invested.
- Now, how can nurses access the Degree?
In the School we teach the "training course Additional for obtaining the Degree" that until now was limited to our graduates of the 2000 plan. For the next course, we want to extend it to all graduates and I think it is important to point out that a Royal Decree already allows the recognition of professional experience. This will make it easier for many professionals to adapt. It will be announced shortly.
- How will this greater development of the academic degree program impact on patient care?
We continue to train nursing professionals who are at the patient's side, taking care of them. And logically, the intellectual training opens up possibilities for any professional to improve their work. With the development of the nursing knowledge , through the research, the aim is to improve the nursing internship , that is, the care that the nurse gives to people. We are interested that the research and the academic development have an impact on patient care. Research means expanding the body of knowledge of the discipline.
- How do we promote the research?
Giving nurses the theoretical and methodological tools that enable them for their development. Our concern is to promote knowledge in the areas where nursing care has the greatest impact. Hence our interest in working in connection with clinical nursing. We want the theoretical and internship nursing advancement to go hand in hand.