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Institute for Culture and Society: participation in activities of other centers and universities (February 2019)

Researchers and collaborators participated in activities in Spain, Guatemala, Ireland, Mexico, Pakistan, the United Kingdom and the Vatican.

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01/03/19 11:43 Natalia Rouzaut

Emotional culture and identity
Ana Marta GonzálezAna Marta González
participated in a roundtable during the workshop 'Gaudí Program', organized by the International University of Catalonia, with the discussion paper 'What is a university? Identity and mission statement of the University'. (15/02/2019, Barcelona).

Ana Belén MartínezAna Belén Martínez attended the roundtable 'Writing Activism' organized by the Oxford Research Centre in the Humanities (TORCH) and Oxford Centre for Life-Writing (OCLW). There she gave the paper 'Working with Testimonial Narratives. (26/02/2019, Oxford, UK).

Vojtech KolomyVojtech Kolomy has begun a six-month research stay at the University of St. Andrews (27/02/2019-31/08/2019, St. Andrews, UK).


Public discourse

Saqlain HassanSaqlain Hassan conducted several questionnaires to students from Malakand district about their opinions on the appropriate language to be able to teach at their university (25/02/2019, Malakand, Pakistan).


Youth in transition
Javier García ManglanoCharo SádabaJavier García Manglano
 y Charo Sádaba have attended, together with collaborating students, the Mobile World Congress where they will discuss with experts on the human and social impact of technology (26-28/02/2019, Barcelona).


group Mind-brain
José Víctor OrónJosé Víctor Orón
has traveled to Mexico for a two-month research stay at the Universidad Popular Autónoma del Estado de Puebla (UPAEP). He has also taught the UpToYou course to teachers there (02/02-06/04/2019, Puebla, Mexico).

On the other hand, he has also conducted research visits and work meetings with researchers from Universidad Panamericana (20/01-02/02/2019, Mexico City, Mexico).

Navarra Center for International Development
Luis RavinaIvan KimLuis Ravina
e Ivan Kim have visited institutions known to CINDERE for scientific meetings and to establish new relationships. In addition, Luis Ravina has offered the inaugural lecture of academic year 2019 of the Universidad del Istmo entitled 'Una proposal de development para Guatemala'. (10-17/02/2019, Guatemala City, Guatemala).

ATLANTES Programme
Carlos CentenoCarlos Centeno
has attended the XXV General Assembly 2019 of the Pontifical Academy for Life (24-27/02/2019, Vatican City).


María ArantzamendiMaría Arantzamendi has been part of the work session of the Spanish Society of Palliative Care to organize the 2020 National Palliative Care congress . (14/02/2019, Palma de Mallorca).

He has also offered teaching in the Master of Pediatric Palliative Care at the International University of La Rioja (01-10/02/2019, Logroño).

Religion and Civil Society
David ThunderDavid Thunder
participated in a panel discussion on methods of governance and their connection to participatory democracy in the EU. The panel was part of the congress 'Thinking Outside the Box: Democracy and the EU' organized by the Foundation for European Progressive Studies (FEPS) and the Think Tank for Action on Social Change (TASC) (08/02/2019, Dublin, Ireland).

Statistics Unit

Jesús López FidalgoJesús López Fidalgo took part in several activities of the congress Biennial of the Spanish Royal Mathematical Society (4-8/02/2019, Santander).

  • Presented the paper 'Model-Robust Classification in Active Learning' in the special session Experimental design techniques applied to treatment of Big Data.

  • It also organized the special session 'Experimental design techniques applied to treatment to Big Data'.

  • He also participated as speaker in the roundtable of mathematical journals, held during this congress.

On the other hand, he participated in the visit panel of accreditation renewal of a Master's Degree at the University of Valladolid, (21/02/2019, Valladolid).



