Institute for Culture and Society: participation in activities of other centers and universities (March 2019)
Researchers and collaborators participated in activities in Spain, the United States, Italy, Mexico, Mozambique, the Netherlands, Pakistan and the United Kingdom.
Emotional culture and identity
Mariano Crespo traveled to Mexico where he gave several conferences (Puebla and Xalapa, Mexico, 4-12/03/2019):
- At the Universidad Popular Autónoma del Estado de Puebla he was speaker guest of the conference of programs of study Steinianos, organized by the School of Philosophy, where he offered the discussion paper 'El lugar del Estado en la reflexión fenomenológica'. At the same School he also delivered the lectures 'From empathy to sympathy. On the importance of affective conditions in the experience of another' and 'Forgiveness. A philosophical perspective'.
- In School of Philosophy of the Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla (BUAP) participated in the doctoral program with the session 'The ethics of Husserl and his first disciples'.
- Finally, he visited the Universidad Veracruzana, in Xalapa, where he presented the discussion paper 'From empathy to sympathy. On the importance of affective conditions in the experience of another'.
Rocio Davis participated in the Annual Meeting American Comparative Literature Association, organized by Georgetown University, with the paper 'Transnational Imaginaries and (Post) Socialist Affect in The Sympathizer' (07-10/03/2019, Washington, USA).
Public discourse
Ruth Breeze presented the discussion paper 'Representingjustice: A mixed methods approach' at the 37th International AESLA Conference organized by the University of Valladolid, (Valladolid, 27-29/03/2019).
Inés Olza attended at the University of Valladolid the annual assembly of members of the association Española de Lingüística Aplicada (AESLA), where she was elected director of the Lexicology and Lexicography panel for the three-year period 2019-2021 (Valladolid, 28/03/2019).
Saqlain Hassan conducted about 30 questionnaires to students from different majors at Malakand University to find out their views on language diversity at teaching. (20/03/2019, Malakand, Pakistan).
group Mind-brain
Javier Bernácer participated in the XIII conference of Theology of the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria 'Believing in Science, experiencing faith. Positive circularity between science and religion' with the discussion paper 'Neuroscience and the person' (Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, 25-23/03/2019).
Miguel García Valdecasas attended the congress 'The epistemology of scientific test ' held at the headquarters of the National University of Education a Distancia (UNED), where he offered the communication 'Aristotelismo y neoaristotelismo epistemológico' (29/03/2019, Madrid).
Navarra Center for International Development
Alex Armand delivered the oral communication 'Does Information Break the Political Resource Curse? Experimental Evidence from Mozambique' during the 'CSAE Conference 2019: Economic Development in Africa' organized by the Centre for the Study of African Economies (CSAE), University of Oxford (17-19/0372019, Oxford, UK).
In addition, he met with the Government of Mozambique to present a report on the possibility of implementing microinsurance in the country (23-28/03/2019, Maputo, Mozambique).
ATLANTES Programme
Carlos Centeno, María Arantzamendi, Carla Reigada, Eduardo Garralda and Alazne Belar visited the Radboud University Medical Centre for scientific meetings on the occasion of the Horizon 2020 project awarded to them by the European Union. There they also offered several symposia to present their research (Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 7-8/03/2019).
- Draft of the protocol for the systematic literature review on palliative sedation and refractory symtoms (María Arantzamendi and Alazne Belar).
- International survey on existing local guidelines, regulations and equipment (Carla Reigada and Eduardo Garralda).
- Closing remarks and take-home tasks (María Arantzamendi and Eduardo Garralda).
- WP 1 Literature review and country survey (Carlos Centeno)
Religion and Civil Society
framework Demichelis and Mercedes MonteroThe following members attended the annual lecture of the European Academy of Religion (Bologna, Italy, 4-7/03/2019).
framework presented the discussion paper 'The amateurish feigned indifference of Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies in Italy. Opportunities and Hypocrisies' in the panel 'Islamic Religious Education (Ire) in Italian Public Schools- What Gain from European Experiences'.
For her part, Mercedes gave the paper 'From Catholic Confessionalism to Revolutionary State. The First Opus Dei Women in Mexico (1950)' within the panel 'Transnational Networks of Contemporary Hispanic Catholicism'.