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Nursing directors of the Navarra healthcare system discuss the visibility of the profession

150 professionals participate in a roundtable organized by the School of Nursing of the University of Navarra.

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01/04/19 18:26 Ángela Martí

The School of Nursing of the University of Navarra has brought together the directors of nursing of the Navarra healthcare system. Under the degree scroll "training in nursing: myth or reality?", a roundtable on the training of nursing professionals has been held with the goal to improve health care.

The central topic was the need for the visibility of Nursing. To this end, topics such as the need for the training and the research of professionals and their presence in decision-making bodies were discussed.

Susana Martínez Agorreta, director of nursing at the Hospital San Juan de Dios, insisted on the need for "well-trained nurses, with theoretical knowledge to improve the professional internship ". Elena Antoñanzas, deputy director of care at the Navarra Hospital Complex, pointed out that "for this, a Degree, a Master's Degree or a PhD student is not enough; it is also essential to have a continuous training : go home and study what you doubt".

Along these lines, Carmen Rumeu, nursing director of the Clínica Universidad de Navarra said that "a Master's Degree, a doctorate, and the training of postgraduate program in general is necessary for the patients, to give them the attention they deserve".

Isabel Iturrioz, board member of the high school Oficial de Enfermería de Navarra, indicated in this sense that "the Schools are always ahead. They prepare for more than what is done at internship thanks to practice and simulation".

For her part, Inmaculada Lasarte, director of nursing at group IMQ Navarra, stressed that this training must be reflected in the visibility of the profession itself. "We have to believe that nursing can change many things. We have to be there where decisions are made," she concluded.



