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In the shoes of Clara Ansó

In the shoes of

04 | 04 | 2022


We meet Clara at the viewpoint of Hexagon Building... but the snow tells us that it is better not to go there. So we go to a classroom. A 2nd year Pharmacy and Nutrition student, she talks passionately about her degree program and her life at university.

  1. Do you like the snow or is it more of a chore than anything else?
    Well, it's not bad either. Walking in the snow is fun.

  2. You have chosen the viewpoint at Hexagon Building as your favourite corner of the University. Why?
    I study at Library Services, next door, and from there you can see the whole of campus below.

  3. What surprised you most when you arrived at the University?
    The atmosphere I found among the students.

  4. Why Pharmacy and Nutrition?
    My mother is a pharmacist and I have always seen her working in the pharmacy. I have been attracted to it ever since I was a child.

  5. What is the most rewarding part of your day-to-day life?
    I am excited to realise that every day I learn new things that can enable me to help in the future in the world of health.

  6. A book A monster comes to see me, by Patrick Ness. A film Mamma mia A song Qué bonita la vida, by Dani Martín.

  7. A hobby
    I like to play sports a lot, like paddle tennis. I also like skiing a lot.

8. What music do you listen to when you come to class?
I almost always come to class with the ones on my residency program. But if not, the first one that comes up on Spotify.

9. Which current person would you have a coffee with? Serena Williams. I saw The Williams Method and was impressed by her willpower. What would be your first question? What is the most important lesson she has learned in her life.

10. What inspires you?
To be a good professional in the world of pharmacy and to be happy with what I am studying.

11. A historical figure you would have liked to meet
Marie Curie. Because I think it is heroic the great leap she made in the field of science at the time.

12. How would you like to change the world?
I think that in general there is a lack of empathy, a lack of understanding of the people next to us. I would like there to be more of it, and I would also like to be able to influence from the world of health.

13. Where would you like to be in 10 years?
Working in the world of nutricosmetics. I don't know if it will be here, in Zaragoza... but surrounded by the people I love.

14. Who do you nominate?
Pablo Ollora, 2nd year Architecture.



