Institute for Culture and Societyparticipation in activities of other centers and universities (March and April 2020)
Researchers and collaborators participated in activities in Spain, the United States and Italy, in addition to continuing with online activities and meetings.
Emotional culture and identity
Alberto García participated in the II International congress Image and Recognition of the Francisco de Vitoria University with the discussion paper 'Chernobyl and the aesthetics of sacrifice', (Madrid, 2-6/03/2020).
Creativity and Cultural Heritage
Julia Pavón offered the communication 'De las freyras. La vida en los conventos femeninos de la Navarra medieval' during the VII Curso de Cultura medieval 'incipit'. La vida cotidiana en la edad average, organized by the Museum of Navarre, the Government of Navarre, the association Astrolabio and Eunate, (Pamplona, 04/03/2020).
Public discourse
Sarali Gintsburg conducted work fieldwork on its research on Moroccan immigrant women in Navarra (Tudela and Cintruénigo, 2-9/03/2020).
Sofía Brotóns attended the Annual Conference of the International Society for the Study of Narrative where he delivered the paper 'Revisiting Future Self Narratives Written by at Risk Adolescents', (New Orleans, USA, 07/03/2020).
Education of Affectivity and Human Sexuality
Carlos Beltramo participated in two online meetings: one to present the Good Love International Foundation (25/04/2020) and the I World Cyber meeting of university professors and researchers, organized by the Pontifical Scholas Ocurrentes Foundation (07/04/2020).
Carolina Lupo gave the course 'Pornography online: epidemic 2.0' through the platform of the association Integralis, (06-30/04/2020).
Pedro de la Rosa offered the online lecture 'What can we expect from the COVID-19 pandemic?' invited by the Centro Cultural Puertorreal de Puerto Rico, (09/04/2020).
ATLANTES Programme
Carlos Centeno, Eduardo Garralda and Miguel Sanchez Cardenas attended an online scientific meeting with members of the World Health Organization. In it, Centeno delivered the oral communication 'Methods of the Global Palliative Care Development evaluation: Global Map 2019 and Regional ATLAS', (23/04/2020).
Religion and Civil Society
framework Demichelis offered the discussion paper 'Allah ci salverà tutti? La salvezza e la non-Eternità dell'Inferno nel pensiero islamico classico' during the Forum Islam-Cristianesimo organized by the Pontifical Gregorian University, (Rome, Italy, 02/03/2020).