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"The financial aid I have received serves not only me but the whole Church in Papua."

Yanuarius Dou is 38 years old, from Papua (Indonesia) and says that after studying theology at licentiate degree he is returning to his country with "new light".

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Yanuarius Dou PHOTO: Chus Cantalapiedra
01/06/17 12:52 Chus Cantalapiedra

When he considered a priestly vocation and asked his mother financial aid about the path he should follow, her answer was clear: "It is not in my power to help you, I am only an instrument. Ask God and in his answer you will find the solution".

The year was 2006 and he was finishing his training in the seminar Greater New Jerusalem of the Diocese of Jayapura (Papua-Indonesia). In October of the same year, his mother died and, five years later, on February 13, 2011, he was ordained a priest.

During that time, between 2006 and 2011, he matured and prayed for his vocation. He was trained in Pastoral Theology at the School of Theology and Philosophy of Fajar Timur of Papua, always following his maxim of the cross of Christ: "Into your hands Lord I commend my spirit".

In his reflections, report came to his mind everything he experienced between the ages of six and twelve: he suffered from a long skin disease. "In Papua there is no health care like here. Many people die from it. At the age of twelve, just as the disease appeared, it disappeared. "The Lord saved me," he says. His own family has experienced it: when he was only six years old, his father died, and of the ten siblings he had, only five are alive today. His experience marked the path for him.

While he was already a priest, in July 2015, the bishop of his diocese sent him to study the licentiate degree Theology at the University of Navarra. He arrived in Spain only knowing how to speak his native language , Indonesian, and a little English. Today he can hold a conversation in Spanish and read without difficulty. "I'm very happy," he says.

In June he will conclude his programs of study. He is aware that everything he has learned during the last two years offers him a new perspective: "The training that I have received here is a treasure for my pastoral work in the different villages of my country. I am returning to Papua with a new light".

He is very grateful for all the support he has received from benefactors, classmates, professors and people from his senior high school : "The financial aid I have received serves not only me but the whole Church in Papua."



