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The 5th and 4th year students of Degree of Pharmacy and Nutrition, respectively, have taken part in the fourth ECOE held at the School

The 5th and 4th year students of Degree of Pharmacy and Nutrition, respectively, have participated in the fourth ECOE carried out at the School

01 | 06 | 2021

For the past four years, the School of Pharmacy and Nutrition has designed and carried out the test of the ECOE. The pioneer course was 2016-2017, that year a pilot test was made in order to test if the implementation of this test was possible and it made sense to host it within the Study program. That test passed satisfactorily and, therefore, it was decided to implement it for the first time as an evaluative activity in the 2017-2018 course, since then it has been done every year in person except for the last course that was done online, due to the pandemic status that we live.

The ECOE "evaluates the clinical competencies of the students of Degree in Pharmacy (ECOE stands for assessment of Objective and Structured Clinical Competencies). Students have to demonstrate their clinicalskill by solving different tests that simulate clinical situations. They have to demonstrate knowledge, skills and attitudes related to clinical skill . The indicators established to assess the clinical skill , along the different stations of the ECOE are: interview, clinical reasoning, professionalism, technical skills, communication, organization and efficiency", says Guadalupe Beitia, professor at department of Pharmacology and Toxicology.

Due to the difficulty of the test and its evaluative nature, students prepare it in a serious way and manager. Although many of them have done internships during the different courses, this status is different because they have to solve more than four different cases with a time of five minutes each, "at first I felt very nervous but as time went by, I felt more comfortable and I have remembered everything I learned in class and, especially, in the internships. Therefore, I think I have finished in a very positive way", says Pilar Albacete, a 5th year Pharmacy student.

In general, despite the nerves and pressure, both students and teachers finish workshop satisfactorily and with very positive results.

Cristina Grabalas, also a student of 5th year of Pharmacy, details it as follows "I consider this whole experience is very positive because, although it is all very fast, it offers a global vision of everything we have had to learn and apply these last months and throughout the degree program".

In total, 140 students attended this test from the different Degrees of Pharmacy, Nutrition and the Double.



