Institute for Culture and Societyparticipation in activities in other centers and universities (May 2022)
ICS researchers and collaborators participated online and in person in activities organised by institutions in Algeria, Belgium, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Malta, Mexico, Serbia, Spain, USA and Venezuela.
01 | 06 | 2022
ATLANTES Global Observatory of Palliative Care
Carlos Centeno, María Arantzamendi, Alazne Belar, Eduardo Garralda and Alicia Hernando attended the 12th World Research Congress of the EAPC, where they participated in several sessions. Carlos Centeno presented 'A New Framework of Core Research Competencies for Palliative Care Clinicians. A First Outcome of the RESPACC Erasmus+ Project'. The congress was organised by the European Association of Palliative Care in Belgium, (18-20/5/2022, Vilvoorde, Belgium).
María Arantzamendi, Marina Martínez and Ana Larumbe attended the scientific meetings of project RESPACC, of which the Observatory is a member. Maria and Marina gave the session 'Understanding the quality of the article' and Ana, 'Introducing palliative care clinicians to critical reading and academic writing' (2-4/5/2022, Athens, Greece).
Carlos Centeno gave the session 'Possible causes and coping with the Wish to Advance Death' and participated in the colloquium 'What to do in the face of the Wish to Advance Death', organised in the framework of the Ethics Workshop of the XVII edition of the Master's Degree in Palliative Care of the Autonomous University of Madrid (05-07/5/2022, Madrid, Spain).
Creativity and Cultural Heritage
Ania Dulska offered the discussion paper 'For whom the bell tolls: commemorations of contemporary history in democratic Spain (1976-2021)' at the 4th National AIPH Conference, organised by the Associazione Italiana di Public History (AIPH), (27-31/5/2022, Venice, Italy).
Carlos Veci presented the oral communication 'Il Mediterraneo negli orizzonti di civiltà delnazionalcattolicesimo spagnolo' at the seminar 'The world is a sea. Catholics and the Mediterranean during the pontificate of Pius XII'. The event was part of the project 'OCCIDENTES - Horizons and Projects of Civilization in the Church of Pius XII' and was organized by the Diocesan Archives of Malta at partnership with the School of Theology of the University of Malta and the Foundation for Theological programs of study (28/5/2022, Malta).
Emotional culture and identity
Inés Olza gave the lecture 'Las mil y una caras de la multimodalidad en el lenguaje' during the closing ceremony of the Master's Degree de programs of study Avanzados Hispánicos of the University of Valencia (5/5/2022, Valencia, Spain).
In addition, he spoke on 'Public Communication, health and political culture: what can linguistic analysis of digital texts contribute to research with social projection' at the seminar of research 'Recent developments and methods of digital text analysis', organized by the Complutense University of Madrid (30/5/2022, Madrid, Spain).
Javier Serrano lecture gave the inaugural address at the congress 'Digital environments and educommunication', organised by the University of Monteávila. His discussion paper was entitled 'Public Communication, salud y cultura política: qué puede aportar el análisis lingüístico de textos digitales a investigaciones con proyección social' (17/5/2022, Caracas, Venezuela).
Public discourse
Ruth Breeze gave the discussion paper 'Power, geopolitics and academic citation' at the congress 'Jezik, Književnost, Moć / Language, Literature, Power', organised by the University of Nis (6-7/5/2022, Nis, Serbia).
He also spoke at the 10th International Symposium on Intercultural, Cognitive and Social Pragmatics with the discussion paper 'We regret the problems that banks have caused. Corporate (non)apologies in the British banking sector 2009-2019'. The event was organised by the group of research 'Intercultural Studies (English-Spanish): Pragmatic and Discourse Issues' of the Universidad Pablo de Olavide (23-25/5/2021, Seville, Spain).
She was also speaker invited to the CIRLaM International Conference 'Ethics and plagiarism in medical research writing and publishing: issues and perspectives', at the University of Campania Luigi Van Vitelli. His talk was entitled 'Is self-plagiarism always wrong? Some reflections from scientific publishing' (20/5/2022, Naples, Italy).
Ruth Breeze and Eleonora Esposito participated in the congress 'average, Justice and Sexuality: Gender Identity and Narratives' at the University of Trieste. Eleonora spoke on 'Online Gendered and Sexualised Disinformation against Women in Politics'. Ruth presented 'Women, Judges and Dangerous Things. Reader Comments on Baroness Hale's Role in Brexit Prorogation Case' (17/5/2022, Trieste, Italy).
Melike Akkaraca gave the discussion paper 'Equality Abroad, Inequality at Home: Concept of (In)equality in Turkish Populist Discourse' at the lecture IDEAS of the high school of programs of study Europeans (IEE) of the Free University of Brussels, (11-13/5/2022, Brussels, Belgium).
Sarali Gintsburg presented the discussion paper 'Teaching Arabic in Russia: A Historical Overview' at the international congress 'Blended Learning of Foreign Languages: A New Reality in higher Education', organised by the department of English and Literature at Mustapha Benboulaid University. He was also part of the scientific committee of the meeting. (12/5/2022, Batna, Algeria).
Pilar Gerns made an Erasmus + stay of training at the University of Hamburg. She gave the seminar of research 'La diversidad lingüística del español en España a sus estudiantes del Degree de romanística' and attended the workshop 'Hands-on-approach Linguistic Landscapes in the classroom of the Romanic Languages', organized by the project LoCall (7-23/5/2022, Hamburg, Germany).
Education of Affectivity and Human Sexuality
Maria Calatrava attended the 'Growing Up in Ireland Conference', organised by association Growing Up in Ireland (25/05/2022, Ireland).
Carolina Lupo gave the course 'Adolescence: a stage of challenges and opportunities', organised by the classroom de Cultura de la Fundación de Ana María de la Lama y Salvarrey (21/05/2022, Castro Urdiales, Spain) at lecture 'How to deal with issues related to affectivity and sexuality at home'.
Youth in transition
Charo Sádaba y Aurelio Fernández presented the poster 'How the Purposes of Mobile Use Explain the Way We Use It' at the 72nd Annual ICA Conference: 'One World, One Network' of the International Communication Association (26-30/5/2022, Paris, France).
Claudia López Madrigal presented the project 'TRANSADULT: Transition to adulthood in Spain' to the members of the group of research 'Health Behavior & Health Education' of the University of Texas (12/5/2022, USA).
Mind-Brain Group
Javier Sánchez Cañizares participated in the roundtable 'El asombro por el mundo a través de la física cuántica y la ecología' during the V congress Razón Abierta, graduate 'El ser humano en la ciencia contemporánea'. It was organised by the Universidad Francisco de Vitoria, (23-24/05/2022, Madrid, Spain).
He also offered the lecture 'El problema de las representaciones en la teaching religiosa' at the workshop de jefes de equipos técnicos de religión de Fomento de Centros de teaching (4/5/2022, Madrid, Spain).
Navarra Center for International Development
Markus Kinateder gave a talk at discussion paper 'Prices and mergers in a general model of multi-sided markets' at the 20th Annual International Industrial Organization Conference, organised by Northeastern University (13-15/5/2022, Boston, USA).
María Cruz Díaz de Terán gave the seminar 'Senza donne non c'è giustizia' organized by the Convegno Internazionale Madri di Diritti L'Emancipazione femminile nei volti delle sue pioniere, (12-14,5,2022, Lecce, Italy).