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Institute for Culture and Society: participation in activities of other centers and universities (September 2018)

Researchers and collaborators participated in activities in Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Pakistan, Paraguay, Poland, Portugal, Spain, the United Kingdom, the United States, and the United States.

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01/10/18 14:45 Elena Beltran

Creativity and Cultural Heritage
Julia PavónAnna DulskaJulia Pavón y Anna Dulska attended the IX General congress of History of Navarre of the Society of programs of study Historical Society of Navarre. Julia Pavón presented three papers: 'Old and new frontier spaces', 'The female monastic phenomenon in the kingdom of Navarra (Age average)' and together with María Bonet 'The Hospitallers in Bargota. Identity and report'. Anna Dulska gave the discussion paper 'Bargota in the 14th century: the swan song of the female convent of the Order of St. John' (Pamplona, Navarra, 12-14/09/2018).

Anna also traveled to Poland to go to the congress 'Urban Jewish Heritage: Presence and Absence Conference' organized by the Ironbridge International Institute for Cultural Heritage (University of Birmingham) and Foundation for Jewish Heritage. There she presented the discussion paper 'The Juderías of Navarre: (in)visibility of Urban Jewish Heritage' (Krakow, Poland, 03-07/09/2018).     

Emotional culture and identity
Ana Belén Martínez Ana Belén Martínez
delivered the session 'Written vs Audiovisual Testimony: Narrating the Migrant Self' at the workshop 'Erratic Bodies, Transitional Borders, and Recent Migration in Europe: Representation and Identity Negotiations in Public Discourse, Literature, and the Arts' at the University of Oslo (Oslo, Norway, 27-28/09/2018).

Public discourse
Saqlain HassanSaqlain Hassan
conducted work fieldwork in Azad Jamu Kashmir to learn how people behave towards Afghan refugees. For this purpose, he distributed surveys in different universities (Azad Jamu Kashmir, Pakistan, 23-30/09/2018).

Education of Affectivity and Human Sexuality

Cristina López del Burgo
Alfonso OsorioMaria CalatravaArantza AlbertosCristina López del Burgo, Alfonso Osorio, María Calatrava and Arantza Albertos attended the congress EARA 2018 of the European Association for Research on Adolescence. They gave two papers: 'Parental supervision, smartphone and substance use among teenagers from Spain, Peru and Mexico' and 'Experience with first sexual intercourse among high-school students from Spain, Peru and Mexico'. They also presented their poster: "Adolescent psychological dating violence. Results from a cross-sectional study among high-school adolescents in Spain, Peru and Mexico". (Ghant, Belgium, 12-15/09/2018). .

Alfonso Osorio also traveled to Portugal to present two conferences: 'Personality traits and perceived unbalanced relationship power (URP) within Mexican couples' and 'Perception of unbalanced power within Mexican couples intending to get married'. It was at the congress ESFR 2018: Conference of the European Society on Family Relations 'Families through the lens of diversity'. (Porto, Portugal, 06-08/09/2018).

Arantza Albertos, on the other hand, attended as speaker invited to the Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences of the University of Utrecht to offer her communication 'The role of leisure activities in young people's lifestyles'. (Utrecht, The Netherlands, 20/09/2018).

Silvia CarlosSilvia Carlos attended the congress SEE 2018, which was part of the XXXVI meeting SEE Scientific - XIII Congresso da APE. There he presented four talks: 'Reasons for attending HIV Voluntary Counseling and Testing?: data from OKAPI cohort study in Kinshasa (D.R.Congo)', 'HIV-related misconceptions in the D.R.Congo. Moving forward using data from the OKAPI prospective cohort study', 'Anal and oral sex: data from OKAPI (Observational Kinshasa AIDS Prevention Initiative) cohort study' and 'Condom errors among condom users: data from OKAPI prospective cohort study'. (Lisbon, Portugal, 11-14/09/2018).

group 'Mind brain'.
Jose Ignacio Murillo José Ignacio Murillo
presented his discussion paper 'Growth as a key to understanding organic and psychic life', as part of the congress 'Time, the Body and the Other, Phenomenological and Psychopathological approaches' at the University of Heidelberg. (Heidelberg, Germany, 13-15/09/2018).

Francisco GüellSonsoles Navarro-RubioFran Güell y Sonsoles Navarro-Rubio attended the ESHRE course 'In Vitro Modelling: from embryo to gametes' (Bilbao, Basque Country, 20-21/09/2018).


José Víctor OrónJosé Víctor Orón traveled to Copenhagen Business School, to present UpToYou's educational proposal at the business school. At the Mind, Meditation and Innovation conference he gave two presentations on the anthropological and psychological instructions of innovation (Copenhagen, Denmark, 03-05/09/2018).

He also went to the School of Communication of the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross to present the project UpToYou. (Rome, Italy, 09/14/2018).

Javier Sánchez CañizaresJavier Sánchez Cañizares went to the II congress Razón Abierta at the Francisco de Vitoria University at partnership with the Vatican Foundation Joseph Ratzinger - Benedict XVI. On the one hand he received one of the Razón Abierta awards in the category of research. He also presented a discussion paper: 'Open Reason. A proposal staff '. (Rome, Italy, 24-25/09/2018).

Maite AznárezMaite Aznárez presented his poster 'Mental health in adult secondary education: results from a pilot survey' at the Psychology of Education Section Annual Conference 2018: Enhancing Wellbeing in Education at Wolfson College, University of Oxford (Oxford, UK, 14-15/09/2018).

Navarra Center for International Development
Alex ArmandJoseph GomesAlex Armand and Joseph Gomes
traveled to high school development Paraguay to establish more contact and prepare for potential future projects. Alex Armand gave a short course on 'assessment of Impact', and Joseph Gomes for his part offered the course 'Geographic Information Systems applied to social and economic sciences'. (Asunción, Paraguay, 31/08-09/09/09/2018).

In addition Alex Armand presented the oral communication 'The Reach of Radio: Ending Civil Conflict through Rebel Demobilization' at the World Bank (Washington, USA, 09/18/2018).

ATLANTES Programme
Carlos CentenoCarla ReigadaCarlos Centeno and Carla Reigada
went to Catholic University of Valencia, at conference Communication on disease and life: a message to society. Carlos Centeno presented the discussion paper 'Palliative care: a message to be discovered' and Carla, 'Advanced disease through cinema: qualitative study in an art festival' (Valencia, 28/09/2018).

Carlos Centeno attended a scientific meeting at the Vianorte-Laguna Foundation (Madrid, 21/09/2018).

Carla Reigada, also, coordinated a field work at the Palliative Care Unit of the Hospital San Juan de Dios (Saturtzi) (Bilbao, Basque Country, 09-21/09/2018).

And also went to McGill University in Canada to present the oral communication 'average/Social Communication in Palliative Care: Managing PC Messages by Setting Ground Rules' at the 22nd International Congress on Palliative Care. (Montreal, Canada, 30/09-06/10/2018).

María ArantzamendiMaría Arantzamendi attended the defense of two TFM, of which she had been the director, at the Master's Degree of Pediatric Palliative Care at the International University of La Rioja (Logroño, La Rioja, 15/09/2018).


Religion and Civil Society
framework Demichelisframework Demichelis
presented the discussion paper 'Supremacism narrative and Islamic contemporary thought: A counter-hegemonic discourse?' at the Sadler Seminar Series Revisited: Utopian Visions of the State in the Global South at the University of Leeds. (Leeds, UK, 27/09/2018).

David ThunderDavid Thunder traveled to Scotland to offer the discussion paper 'The Missionary and Secessionist Impulses of Radical Democracy' at the Radical Democracy workshop at the University of Aberdeen (Aberdeen, UK, 03/09/2018).

Also went to the workshop Manchester Political Theory, 'Independence, Self-Determination and Secession' presenting the discussion paper 'Interrogating the Ideology of Sovereignty: A Civic Republican Critique of Sovereign Rule'. (Manchester, UK, 11/09/2018).



