120 people attended the theological-didactic workshop 'Psychology and spiritual life' in Barcelona.
The event, organized by ISCR and given by Prof. Wenceslao Vial, took place at IESE.

01 | 11 | 2024
120 people attended the theological-didactic workshop organized by the Instituto Superior de Ciencias Religiosas at IESE (Barcelona), which focused on "Psychology and Spiritual Life.
Wenceslao Vial, professor at the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross, and Visiting Professor of the School of Theology, gave the session in which he addressed three topics. The first, centered on 'Psychological and spiritual maturity. Harmony beyond balance'. In it, the professor pointed to the increase in the symptoms of stress and burnout and stressed that we were in "the society of tiredness". The reasons for true optimism," he continued, "are to know that we are the authors of our maturity process, that we are not alone. We count on the financial aid of God and of others. If we seek the true good, as the object of our will, we will have as guide the maxim of Augustine: "Love and do what you will".
"Human maturity is a process of transformation," he said. "In a Christian it can be compared to the construction of a pyramid. Psychological and spiritual life concepts are intertwined. At the base we find faith, which allows him greater clarity as to his own identity: he discovers that he is a creature and limited. It is followed, in the central block, by hope, which is a necessary condition for autonomy. At the top, we find charity, which is the foundation of self-esteem. He who loves God and knows that he is loved by him loves himself: he knows that he is worth much, that he has been confirmed in this value before he exists".
The second theme addressed by Professor Vial was 'The dialogue between man and God in the technological society: spiritual restlessness, psychic balance and filial friendship with God''. At this point, the professor declared that "the way to dialogue with God cannot be other than that of Christ, who fulfills the will of his Father", and for this, he said, "silence is required".
Finally, the professor discussed "Recognizing and dealing with burnout: prevention and spirituality". At this point, he analyzed the stages of this syndrome "whichdevelops slowly", and mentioned some of the factors that can cause it, as well as which types of people are more vulnerable to developing it.
The professor emphasized on "Recognizing the alarms, the main one being a negative emotionality. It is necessary to take care of the balance of an active and contemplative life. Disconnecting from the excess of external stimuli, also from the internet network , favors connecting with others and with God. It is in silence that we listen to the Creator", he concluded.