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The high school of Food Sciences of the University of Navarra (ICAUN) is looking for volunteers for several projects of research nutritional

Men and women between the ages of 20 and 75 who wish to learn about and improve their eating habits are needed.

01/12/09 15:16
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From left to right: Marian Zulet, Alfredo Martínez, Marta Cuervo, Blanca Martínez de Morentin, Salomé Pérez, Itziar Abete and María Hernández. PHOTO: Manuel Castells

The high school of Food Sciences of the University of Navarra (ICAUN) is looking for volunteers to participate in several projects of research nutritional.

Specifically, this coming year, the specialists in Human Nutrition and Dietetics will carry out different programs of study with men and women between 20 and 75 years of age; both healthy and with some chronic pathology (diabetes, hypercholesterolemia, etc.); who are normal weight, overweight or obese. Those interested can contact contact with the Metabolic Unit of the University of Navarra by calling 948 42 56 00 -extensions 6633 and 6645-, and 616244655, or by e-mail

According to Professor Alfredo Martínez, co-director of high school of Food Sciences and Full Professor of Nutrition and Bromatology, "the nutritional research has a great influence on health and the prevention of chronic diseases, since without a good diet it is difficult to preserve an optimal state of health; something that will end up affecting the individual physically, occupationally and emotionally".

In this sense, the trials focus on the study of functional foods and the impact that their consumption has on the health of individuals; "analysis for which we need a basic element: the participation of volunteers. This can be anyone concerned about their health, or simply interested in learning about and improving their eating habits", emphasizes Professor Martínez.

Diabetics subject 2

Likewise, the high school of Food Sciences of the University of Navarra is launching this year two new programs of study. The first requires people with Diabetes subject two, between 34 and 75 years of age, who control the disease with metformin and are of normal weight or obese.


The second nutritional research will assess the beneficial effects of natural crushed tomato. Healthy people between 18 and 50 years of age, normal weight or overweight, and preferably non-smokers, can participate.

To find out which project to participate in, the specialists will advise all interested parties at the telephone numbers and e-mail address mentioned above.

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