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The work on the treatment of obesity led by Dr. Gema Frühbeck, best clinical research of 2023 for the Royal National Academy of Medicine.

The Vice Dean of research and doctorate of the School of Medicine has received the award for a work on the advances in the approach to this chronic disease.


01 | 12 | 2023

The Royal National Academy of Medicine of Spain has recognized as the best clinical research of the year the work on a new integral framework to personalize the therapeutic management of obesity led by Dr. Gema Frühbeck, vice-dean of research and doctorate the School of Medicine, co-director of the area of Obesity of the Clínica Universidad de Navarra and researcher at CIBEROBN. The study was published in The Lancet, one of the highest impact journals in the world of medicine. 

"The important thing is to be able to offer the patient the specific therapeutic approach that will obtain the greatest benefit," explains Dr. Frühbeck, grateful for the recognition of the academics. "There are people who benefit more from surgery, others from a pharmacological approach and others for whom dietary monitoring and lifestyle changes may be sufficient. In each case, the intervention of endocrinologists, nutritionists and surgeons is important to assess the different possibilities and make the best decision." 

According to the Spanish Royal National Academy of Medicine, the goal of this award is "to publicly recognize the work, the submission, the work and the trajectory of Spanish medical professionals". Throughout her career, Dr. Frühbeck, professor at the School of Medicine, has received several national and international distinctions for her work in the field of obesity and nutrition. The ceremony of submission of this new award will be held on January 16, 2024. 



