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Young university students trained to deal with disabilities

Andrea Ayestarán, ISSA-School of Management Assistants student, participates in the course "Training to understand disability".

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Andrea is one of the five ISSA - School of Management Assistants students who participated in the course "Training to understand disability", organized by Tantaka. PHOTO: María M. Orbegozo
02/03/18 09:45 Maria M. Orbegozo

The campus has hosted the fifth edition of the course Capacitarse para entender la discapacidad, a training course organized by Tantaka, the Banco de Tiempo Solidario (Solidarity Time Bank) of the University of Navarra. Throughout the month of February, four theoretical and practical workshops have been offered in which people with motor, hearing, visual and intellectual disabilities have told their testimony and have provided attendees with the necessary tools to know how to deal with diversity.

Andrea Ayestarán (ISSA '21), a first-year student of Degree in Management Assistant, is one of the five ISSA-School of Management Assistants students who have participated in this cycle. She says that the most important thing she has learned in the different sessions is that helping is not always the best option: "Even if we are motivated by goodwill towards people with disabilities, before we act we should ask them if they need financial aid, otherwise we could have the opposite effect.

During these weeks, he has heard many stories, but there was one that had a special impact on him: "Two women shared with us their diagnosed bipolar disorder. One of them was diagnosed when she was 16 years old, relapsed after a while and was even kicked out of work. The other was diagnosed at the age of 34, at a time in her life when she had a family, work and a stable status ," she explains.

In addition to discovering issues that she did not know, Andrea assures that "attend to this cycle has been a very satisfying experience", so she does not hesitate to encourage others to participate in future editions: "I think there are still many people who are not very aware of disability. There are those who feel pity, when they don't feel different. It is society that labels them as different, but I think it is simply a question of ignorance. There is a lack of information, so I would encourage everyone who can to participate in courses like this one: you meet people, you meet stories and you learn a lot."



