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Scientists from the University of Navarra, awarded for their research against cancer in 17 patients

The President of Portugal presented the Gran award of Medicine of the Bial Foundation, worth 150,000 euros.

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PHOTO: Manuel Castells
02/05/05 14:20 Mª Pilar Huarte

The President of Portugal, Jorge Sampaio, presented the "Gran award de Medicina de la Fundación Bial" to a team of scientists from research center Médica Aplicada (CIMA) and the University Clinic of the University of Navarra. Ignacio Melero, Jesús Prieto and Guillermo Mazzolini, who received 150,000 euros for this award . The ceremony, which was attended by the first two researchers, took place at School of Medical Sciences of the New University of Lisbon.

The work for which they have been distinguished focuses on clinical trials in patients with advanced digestive tumors. "Our goal is to boost the immune system's response to cancer using novel methods that combine cell therapy and gene therapy techniques," explains Dr. Ignacio Melero, director of the research.

The study by researchers at the University of Navarra ranged from experimental observation in animal models to a pilot clinical trial at essay in 17 patients with advanced liver, pancreatic and colon tumors. The treatment, as Ignacio Melero explained, consists of injecting the patient's own cells specialized in initiating the immune response (dendritic cells) into the tumor lesions. "The genes of a substance called interleukin-12 are artificially introduced into them, which increases their capacity to induce a powerful immune response," he said.

Increased immune response to the tumor.

The modified cells, which are repeatedly injected into the interior of malignant nodules, have produced excellent results in tumors transplanted into mice. In the treated cases of human digestive tumors," he pointed out, "only a discreet delay in the progression of the disease was achieved. However, it was possible to verify the safety and feasibility of the procedures, as well as to demonstrate parameters that indicate an increase in the immune response against the tumor cells.

Currently, the group of research of the University of Navarra continues to work with the goal to optimize the results of these procedures in mouse models. New clinical trials are expected to start in mid-2006.

The Bial Foundation, whose purpose is to encourage the medical research , awards this award to works that have a great scientific impact or repercussion. It is considered one of the most important distinctions in the medical field and is the fourth largest in Europe in terms of economic value. Fernando Puig de la Bellacasa, Undersecretary for Health and Consumer Affairs of the Spanish Ministry of Health and Consumer Affairs, was also present at the submission ceremony.



