Institute for Culture and Societyparticipation in activities at other centers and universities (April 2022)
ICS researchers and collaborators participated online and in person in activities organised in Brazil, Spain, USA, Greece, Italy, Netherlands, Portugal, UK and Sweden.
02 | 05 | 2022
Creativity and Cultural Heritage
Ania Dulska attended congressannual European Consortium for Humanities Institutes and Centres (ECHIC), graduate'The Many Faces of the Humanities: Exploring Different Roles in the Humanities, Past, Present and Future' (20-23/4/2022, Lund, Sweden).
Emotional culture and identity
Ana Marta González spoke at the sessions 'The societal role of the family' and 'On the Manifold Dimensions of Human Love', organised by the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences, of which he is a member (27-29/4/2022, Rome, Italy).
Inés Olza he directed the panels 'Lexicology and Lexicography' and 'Lexical-semantic analysis of the Organic Law 3/2021 on the regulation of euthanasia' at the 39th congressof the associationSpanish Association of Applied Linguistics (AESLA), graduate'Linguistic varieties from the intercultural approach' (27-29/4/2022, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain).
Alberto García participated in the congress'Jóvenes y compromiso cívico: Corrección política y cancelación de la libertad', organised by the Universidad San Pablo-CEU. He participated in a roundtableentitled 'La neolengua como toolde manipulación', (1-2/4/2022, Madrid, Spain).
Public discourse
Melike Akkaraca chaired and commented on the session 'What Drives European Union Attitudes?' at the 79th Annual Midwest Political Science Association Conference, (7-10/4/2022, online, USA). He also attended the annual congressof the British Association for Slavonic and East European Studies. There he gave the discussion paper'Post-colonial Emotions in Never-colonized States: Turkey and Russia as Subaltern Empires', (8-10/4/2022, Cambridge, UK). Finally, she gave the discussion paper'Refugees as status apparatus and emotions as status markers in international politics', invited by the British Sociological Association, (20-21, online, UK).
Sarali Gintsburg attended the seminar on 'Literature in Prison in the Middle East', organized by Williams College (4/14-15/ Massachusetts, USA).
Education of Affectivity and Human Sexuality
Carlos Beltramo participated in the II Congresso de Educação Personalizada, organised by associationSolar Colegios. He gave the inaugural lecture, entitled 'Four pillars of the Educationof character, core topicfor the Educationaffective'; participated in the roundtable'Formação de pais: estratégias, experiências e propostas'; and gave the closing lecture, 'La alfabetización afectiva, la llave para entrar en el fascinante mundo de las emociones y los sentimientos' (22-23/4/2022, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil).
Mind-Brain Group
José Manuel Muñoz participated in the presentationof the book Neurociências Aplicadas ao Direito, for which he has written the prologue. The event was organised by AJURIS (technical schoolde Magistratura), (19/4/2022, Porto Alegre, Brazil).
Navarra Center for International Development
Tijan Bah attended the seminar 'The Effect of Urban Migration on Educational Attainment: Evidence from Africa: The Economics Migration', given by Raoul van Maarseveen and organized by Uppsala University, (20/4/2022, Uppsala, Sweden).
Ignacio Campomanes gave the discussion paper'Inequality and Growth: How Social Mobility Reshapes the Main Theoretical Channels', invited by the European Commission Joint Research Centre (28/4/2022, Petten, The Netherlands).
Atlantes Global Observatory of Palliative Care
Carlos Centeno gave the discussion paper'Il messaggio delle Cure Palliative al mondo della Medicina' during the congress'Cure Palliative: Dai Luoghi Ai Modelli Di Cura', organised by the Fondazione Policlinico Campus Bio-Medico di Roma (01/04/2022, Rome, Italy).
Carla Reigada gave the session 'Approaching palliative care', organised by the Palliative Care Society of Navarra (PALIAN) (04/4/2022, Pamplona, Spain).
Alicia Hernando attended the 39th congressof the associationEspañola de Lingüística Aplicada (AESLA), graduate'Las variedades lingüísticas desde el approachintercultural' (26-29/4/2022, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain).
Alazne Belar, María Arantzamendi, Marina Martínez y Ana Larumbe attended the seminar 'Introducing palliative care clinicians to critical reading and academic writing' organized by the project Erasmus+ RESPACC, of which ATLANTES is partner (30/4/2022, Athens, Greece).