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250 participants in the Science and Pharmacy Patrons' Day

Previously, a lecture was held at position by the emergency physician Alberto Lafuente.

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Lunch of the Schools of Sciences and Pharmacy
PHOTO: Courtesy
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Alberto Lafuente
PHOTO: Manuel Castells

On September 30, the Schools Pharmacy and Science departments commemorated their patron saints, the Immaculate Conception (December 8) and Saint Albert the Great (November 15), respectively. This advance, favored by the academic calendar, brought together more than 250 people for their celebration in the various events organized.

The workshop was inaugurated with a mass that gave way to the lecture "financial aid Humanitarian: a reality", given by Dr. Alberto Lafuente, specialist in Anesthesiology and Resuscitation at the Clínica Universidad de Navarra and expert in financial aid in emergencies. Lafuente has also been director doctor of the Spanish device sent by the AECID (Spanish Agency for International Cooperation for the development) in disasters such as the earthquakes in Haiti (January 2010), Pakistan (October 2005), Indonesia (June 2006 and September 2009) and Nepal (April 2015).

In his speech, he pointed out that the objectives of the humanitarian financial aid include "preventing disease, alleviating suffering, guaranteeing the survival of the health system and protecting the dignity and rights of the victims. In this task, he emphasized, "any healthcare vision is necessary". With these words he encouraged pharmacists, dieticians-nutritionists, chemists, biologists, etc., to "dare to participate in these actions".

After the talk, which was attended by more than 150 students and teachers, the hall of the Science Library hosted a multitudinous lunch attended by more than 250 people from both Schools.

The final touch was a concert at position by the students Fernando Fernández (3rd year of Medicine) and Alejandro Forcada (4th year of Pharmacy).



