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Institute for Culture and SocietyParticipation in activities in other centers and universities (November 2021)

ICS researchers and collaborators participated online and in person in activities organized by institutions in Argentina, Spain, the United States, France, Italy, Portugal, Russia and Switzerland.

02 | 12 | 2021

ATLANTES Palliative Care
Carlos Centeno, Miguel Sanchez y Eduardo Garralda attended a WHO webinar graduate "Quality Palliative Care" which was linked to the presentation of report on Palliative Care, (24/11/2021, Geneva, Switzerland).

In addition, Centeno participated in the workshop of knowledge dissemination "Palliative Care in Geriatrics", with the discussion paper "Global Observatory of Palliative Care ATLANTES" that took place in the CIVICAN of Pamplona (26/11/2021, Pamplona, Spain).

María ArantzamendiHe also attended, together with María Arantzamendi to the "V Week of Palliative Care, caring from love and hope" of the School of Health Sciences of Soria. There Centeno gave a talk entitled "Life is beautiful and taking care of it until the end is even more so". Arantzamendi gave "Excellence and power of the nursing internship " (8-11/11/2021, Soria, Spain).

Arantzamendi also offered the discussion paper "La vulnerabilidad ante la muerte: perspectiva familiar" within the event graduate "Vulnerabilidad, persona y bioética. Ciclo de mesas redondas" organized by the Master's Degree en Bioética of the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos with the sponsorship of the Fundación Tatiana Pérez de Guzmán el Bueno, (4/11/2021, Madrid, Spain).

In addition, he intervened in a discussion paper entitled "Ethical dilemmas in the nursing clinical internship : end of life", within the event "Professional deontology and bioethics" organized in Pamplona by the department of Health Sciences. Public University of Navarra, (2/11/2021, Pamplona, Spain).

Eduardo Garralda participated as speaker in the congress International of Continuing and Palliative Care with the discussion paper entitled "O idoso no centro do cuidado: respostas e soluções", in the School of Medicine of the University of Coimbra, (19-20/11/2021, Coimbra, Portugal).

Creativity and Cultural Heritage

Julia Pavón I participate in the presentation of the book graduate "Charlemagne and his Hispanic horizons" organized by the committee Navarre of the European Movement (23/11/2021, Pamplona, Spain).

Albert Recasens spoke on "La transferencia del knowledge en el ámbito de la música histórica española: análisis, fallo de mercado y propuestas de futuro" at the X congress of the SEdeM Musicología en transición organized by the Universidad Internacional de Andalucía, (18-20/11/2021, Baeza, Spain).

Emotional culture and identity

Ana Marta González, Inés Olza y Alejandro Garcia participated as invited speakers in the workshop "Accessing the public space through intercultural mediation: Challenges in a changing world", organized in Barcelona by IESE, (29-30/11/2021, Barcelona, Spain).

Ana Belén Martínez intervened, online, in the conference "AEDEAN'S 44th conference" with the discussion paper "A New Paradigm of Women's Life Writing", organized by Aedean (association Spanish programs of study Anglo-North American), (24-26/11/2021, Santander, Spain).

Javier Serrano attended the "congress Mediaflows: Dissent and Communication. Voices and discourses in the era of alternative facts" intervening in a roundtable entitled "The pandemic of disinformation". The event was organized by the University of Valencia and the Menéndez Pelayo International University, (28/11/2021, Valencia, Spain).

Public discourse

Ruth Breeze intervened in the plenary lecture "Representing the people in CSR discourse" during the congress Discourse and Discord in CSR Initiatives, Université Paris-Nanterre, (26/11/2021, Paris, France).

Ruth BreezeEleonora Esposito presented the discussion paper entitled "Violence Against Women in a Post-Pandemic EU: Measuring, Monitoring, Improving" at an event organized by the Italian office of the European Council on the occasion of the International Day Against Violence Against Women, (25/11/2021, Venice, Italy).

Sarali Gintsburg offered two online conferences during the month of November.

First, "Qitran bladi: hybridité et perméabilité linguistique et générique dans un vidéo de Hanane el-Fadili" within the seminars Littératures Populaires Arabes - Textes, Méthodes, Perspectives of the University of Aix-Marseille (4/11/2021, Aix-en-Provence, France).

She also presented the invited discussion paper "From Elegy to Crime-story: women writers in the Arab world. First approximation", Ekaterinburg International Book Festival (11/11/2021, Ekaterinburg, Russia).

Dámaso Izquierdo participated in the event "La modulation de la prise en charge énonciative face à la diffamation et le discours de haine. À la recherche des critères linguistiques et discursifs évoqués dans les procès sur diffamation et discours de haine" at the XXIX Colloque AFUE (association de Francesistas de la Universidad Española) held at the University of the Basque Country, (10-12/11/2021, Vitoria, Spain).  

He also gave the invited discussion paper "¿Existe un speech populista? In search of the linguistic-discursive features of populism" at the conference on the speech in the Media of the Complutense University of Madrid, (29/11/2021, Madrid, Spain).

Education of Affectivity and Human Sexuality

Martiño Rodríguez-González participated in the Annual Symposium on Family Theory and Family Psychotherapy of the Bowen Center for the Study of the Family with the online session "A Systematic Scoping Review (1978-2021) of the Scientific Empirical Studies about Differentiation of Self: Main Findings and Future Studies", (5-6/11/2021, Washington DC, United States).

Youth in transition

Javier García Manglano attended the virtual congress "10th SSEA Conference 2021. Well-being during emerging Adulthood: Challenges and opportunities" moderating the discussion paper "staff identity and beliefs during the transition to adulthood: a cross-cultural comparative". This congress was organized by the Society for the Study of Emerging Adulthood (4-6/11/2021, online, USA).


José Ignacio Murillo, Fran Güell, Nathaniel Barrett, Javier Bernácer, José Manuel Muñoz y Javier Sánchez Cañizares attended the course "Challenges of Next-Generation Neuroscience" organized by the "International Center for Neuroscience and Ethics". In this course, Javier Bernácer coordinated the welcome session and Nathaniel Barrett offered the discussion paper "Conversations with philosophers on neuroscience", (5-7/11/2021, Cáceres, Spain).  

José Manuel Muñoz also participated in the meeting Annual Meeting of the International Neuroethics Society. There he moderated the Workshop 'Assessing Rights-based and Legal Approaches to Protecting Mental Privacy' and presented the posters "Positioning neurorights in Ibero-America" and "A conceptual framework for discussing a consensus definition of the neuroright to free will", (4-5/11/2021, Bethesda, USA).

He also gave an online discussion paper "Neuro-rights: current status and immediate challenges" within the event "seminar International Neurosciences and Neuro-rights" organized by the Chamber of Deputies of the Republic of Argentina (26/11/2021, Buenos Aires, Argentina).

In addition, he attended the X congress of the Society of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science in Spain where he gave the communication "Dificultades en torno a la inclusión del libre albedrío como neuroderecho humano", organized by the University of Salamanca, the SLMFCE and the high school Universitario de programs of study de la Ciencia y la Tecnología, (16-19/11/2021, Salamanca, Spain).

Javier Sánchez Cañizares gave the session ""An Exceptional Universe. Thoughts from Physics for Theism within an online lecture organized by the Society of Catholic Scientists, (15/11/2021, Newark, USA).

Also, he participated in the virtual talk "What makes us human in the face of artificial intelligence?" organized by OMNES magazine and the CARF foundation, (22/11/2021, Madrid, Spain).

Beatriz Byrne presented the communication "Polo and human evolution: the essentialization of the human body" in the congress world in the network "Central ideas of Leonardo Polo's Philosophy " of the high school of programs of study Leonardo Polo's Philosophical (2-5/11/2021, Malaga, Spain).

Navarra Center for International Development

Raúl Bajo Buenestado attended the Special Lecture of Manuel Araújo organized by Novafrica (21/11/2021, Lisbon, Portugal).

He also offered the lecture "Market competition and the adoption of green technologies" at the 91st Annual Meeting of the Southern Economic Association (SAE), (11/20/2021, Houston, USA).

Religion and Civil Society

Montserrat Herrero gave at the discussion paper entitled "El sentido de la excepción en el acontecer político" within the presentation of the book "La Dirección de la guerra: Conducción operacional y gobierno político de las operaciones militares" organized by CESEDEN, (11/11/2021, Madrid, Spain).

Juan Pablo Domínguez participated in the congress "Memorias de la intolerancia" organized by the University of Zaragoza and the Institución Fernando el Católico with the lecture "La intolerancia española en el speech nacional decimonónico", (24-25/11/2021, Zaragoza, Spain).

David Thunder gave the talk "Infodemia y Desinformación: algunas pautas para sobrevivir una infodemia: cómo buscar la verdad en una sociedad saturada de información" at the Civivox of Iturrama organized by the association Kratos, (2/11/2021, Pamplona, Spain).


María Cruz Díaz de Terán gave several sessions for the Navarra Tennis Federation within its plan of training in equality (27/11/2021, Pamplona, Spain). 

On the one hand, "What is the WTA AdvantgeAll initiative: a commitment of the clubs" for members of the board of the Federation and for members of the boards of directors of the tennis clubs of Navarre.

On the other hand, the session "Champions are not afraid to lose" for federated tennis players over 14 years old.



