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'Reflection on Morality in Contemporary Philosophy. Performing and Ongoing Phenomenology', new book edited by Sánchez-Migallón.

Part of a series of programs of study on Reason and Normativity.

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Cover of the book. PHOTO: Courtesy
03/03/14 14:33

Professor Sergio Sánchez-Migallón, Dean of the Ecclesiastical School of Philosophy, together with Professor Julia Urabayen, of the School of Philosophy and Letters, has edited a volume graduate 'Reflection on Morality in Contemporary Philosophy. Performing and Ongoing Phenomenology' at publishing house Olms (Germany).

The book is part of a series of programs of study on Reason and Normativity, the result of the research of the project "Natural Law and Rationality internship " of the Institute for Culture and Society (ICS).

It deals with the ethical conception in 20th century thinkers related to phenomenology (Bergson, Husserl, Scheler, Pfänder, Heidegger, H. Arendt, Buber, Marcel and Levinas) and tries to investigate the way in which they articulate the relationship between naturally or objectively given contents and the subjective reflection on them. The programs of study collected are nine. Five of them were exposed and discussed in a colloquium that took place at the University of Navarra on May 10 and 11, 2012. Four of them are written in Spanish, three in English, one in German and one in Italian.



